
Hulling Strawberries – It has never been so easy #mystrawberryhuller

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I love having fresh fruit at home.  I love them in our smoothies and our juicing juice.  I love having them just by themselves.  I usually just can’t get enough of them.  Quite often though during the off-season I buy frozen fruit though because fresh fruit is just out of our budget.

When we do buy fresh fruit though, I love strawberries.  Strawberries in our smoothies, strawberries by themselves..yum!

Now I was able to test out this Strawberry Huller from Tomoson, which has been on my Pinterest want list for quite some time.

Strawberry Huller

I was thrilled to test it out, but strawberries right now aren’t super affordable.  We finally found a decent deal at Costco, so I could at least get some to test it out and get my review up on this Strawberry Huller.

So easy.  

You open the claws with the green plunger and then grip them around the strawberry green and slightly twist and pull it out and there you have the hulled strawberry.

Strawberry Huller - Process

It takes out the middle of the strawberry and leaves a fabulous cup space in your strawberry.  Which I thought would be amazing to fill with chocolate or whip cream or any other amazing filling.

Hulling strawberries has never been so easy or so simple.  Let those creative juices flow with this strawberry huller.  

You may find it at Amazon, Strawberry Huller, once it becomes available again from them.  

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