
Zep Microwave Miracle Foaming Cleaner – Does it Work? #MicrowaveMiracle

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I like cleaning.  I know, I’m odd.  But for the most part I love cleaning.  Now I don’t love it as much as I used to, but I still get so much satisfaction in getting things cleaned.  As you could probably tell from my earlier post, My Secret Cleaning Behavior.  Because I am such a cleaning machine and pride myself on having a clean home and a welcoming smelling home, I’m always on the lookout for new products to try to make cleaning the home easier and even better.

So when Crowdtap had a sample and share for a new microwave cleaner, I hoped that I could nab it to try it out.  And nab it I did!  I received the Zep Microwave Miracle Foaming Cleaner to test out from Zep and Crowdtap.  It’s been sitting here for me to try for about a week, but I hadn’t gotten around to using it until last night.  

Zep Microwave Cleaner - Does it Work

My microwave was a mess, it hadn’t been cleaned in forever and desperately needed a good cleaning.  I had looked at the mess for months and each time I opened the microwave I would say to myself I really need to clean that, but that would quickly leave my mind shortly after stepping away from the microwave.

So receiving this Zep Microwave Miracle Foaming Cleaner finally forced me to clean that mess of a microwave.  Thankfully.

The Zep Microwave Miracle Foaming Cleaner claims to be an easy way to clean and freshen your microwave in minutes. While making it easy to remove those baked-on foods.  

All you do is spray the Zep Microwave Miracle Foaming Cleaner in the microwave where you are wanting to clean.  Shut the door and run the microwave for 1 to 2 minutes.  Let cool a bit before opening the door and wiping down the inside with a paper towel or cloth.

We did this and the first run through didn’t seem to get it very well, so we sprayed some more inside the microwave and ran it again.  This time it was slightly easier to wipe down the baked-on food, but we still had to scrub quite a bit.  It wasn’t very easy as claimed, but it did finally clean the microwave well.

Zep Microwave Cleaner - Before and After Inner Microwave

I ended up giving it a 6 out of 10 stars.  It worked okay, but I wouldn’t say I’d buy it again.

If you’d like to check out the video I made for it, you may check it out below.  I hate making videos, so hopefully it was okay but I needed to do it for completing my challenge for this and thought you all might like to view it as well.

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