RugPad Giving Your Rugs New Life!
I love our hardwood floors. I truly do. While they do need a bit of updating, it sure makes the house look nice with all that pretty hardwood.
I do like rugs though. I like to lay on the floor and I really don’t want to lay on a hardwood floor. I’d much rather lay on a rug, something soft to comfort me while I enjoy laying on the floor or even walking around with bare feet. I like comfort cushiony rugs.
Our living room rug isn’t exactly thick or comfy as a rug I would like in the living room, but it does the job of giving some comfort while laying down and stepping around and a pop of color in the living room. All we had under it was one of those little beady looking things that are supposed to hold the rug in place, it didn’t do a grand job of keeping it in place, but did it well enough.
I was pretty thrilled when RugPad Corner approached me to review their rug pads; I jumped right at the chance to improve our living room rug.
I’ll admit once I received it, it stayed wrapped up exactly how I receive it before I finally got my butt in gear and started to unpackage it and unroll it to see what I thought of it. Life got a little nuts.
It comes just like shown above, a big fat roll.
You then start to unroll and unfold it to expose the rug pad.
Was an easy time unrolling and unfolding the rug pad. I put the purple looking bubble looking side down on the hardwood and the felt side up which would be facing the rug itself.
It amazed me how thick this rug pad is. I was even more thrilled and giddy once I put our rug on top of it and realized just how much cushion it gave my old rug. It was like getting a brand new rug altogether. It is so much softer and thicker to lay down on the floor now and looks better as well.
I don’t notice any shifting of the rug at all. It stays put completely. I also received a smaller version for my little rug that is in front of our front door, which again gives it new life altogether and just looks amazing.
RugPad Corner makes 4 different type of pads to fit all your rugpad needs, for all your different flooring options. While also being made right here in the USA with no imported material or chemicals. You can feel completely safe buying a rugpad at RugPad Corner while also getting a fantastically made product.
What kind of floors do you have in your home? What kind of rugpad would you look for at RugPad Corner?