Catch the Moment 365 for 2015 – Week 29 #CatchtheMoment365

It’s been another quiet week around here, but happily the blogging bug has hit again and posts have been made this week. Hopefully, that means from here on out we’ll be moving along and being more at a steady pace.  

I’m sitting here Thursday night (which are no longer soccer nights, at least this session), desperately wanting to finish this post and one other to go live tomorrow before I let myself go take a bath and shower.  I put on clean sheets tonight, so that is just sound lovely and I can’t wait to hit the sheets with a nice clean body and bedding.  I even cleaned the dreaded duvet cover.  Yay!

We made this thing called a summer stew tonight and it was actually very tasty!  I ended up freezing a part for a later date, which I always love.

Now let’s share this last week’s photos.  I did, indeed, miss a day yet again last week – the beginning of the week no less. But I didn’t miss the rest of the week, so that is something.

BTCAD- Catch the Moment

Catch the Moment 365 for 2015 – Week 29

Day 197 – Thursday, July 16 – The beginning of the new week and no picture to show for it.  I’m ashamed!

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 198 - More Yard Sale

Day 198 – Friday, July 17th – We finally went through the rest of Jason’s clothes and the bins under our bed.  This is yet another pile to add in for our other yard sale this summer.

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 199 - Flintstone Car

Day 199 – Saturday, July 18th – This was our annual Crusin’ the Gut in downtown Vancouver.  We opted to wait until the evening time to head down to walk around it because it was just way too hot during the day.  It was like 97 that day and yucky out.  It was still warm when we walked down later, but not as bad.  This was our favorite.  It’s the Flintstone car! Love it!

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 200 - Water Jug

Day 200 – Sunday, July 19th – We bought this water jug for our Anniversary party for water during the party.  We decided though it has been very handy to have water in at home.  We fill it with our filtered water every few days and then just have to fill our water jug in the fridge with it without having to do the whole water routine.  It’s been kind of lovely.

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 201 - Hugging the Foot

Day 201 – Monday, July 20th – I look over and see Roxy kind of holding my foot.  I think it’s the cutest thing ever and was able to grab my camera to capture it.

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 202 - Hippo and I stole your spot

Day 202 – Tuesday, July 21st – I came back to sit down and look who took over my seat.  Roxy and Hippo made themselves at home!

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 203 - Flower

Day 203 – Wednesday, July 22nd – I was getting ready to water our lawn during the day because we actually had a very cool overcast day, which was very welcome from the insane heat and dryness we have had.  I noticed this pretty flower on one of our bushes.  Most of our flowers are either already dead and gone or just dry from the heat and lack of water.  So this was a welcome sight!

How was your week?

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