Catch the Moment 365 for 2015 – Week 43 #CatchtheMoment365
We seem to be in fast forward now; as if someone is holding the remote on fast forward and we are all running forward with no stopping. At least that is how I feel. This weekend is already Halloween. That doesn’t seem possible. Are you all doing anything special for Halloween? We’ll just be sitting here handing out candy, at least hopefully kids show up. It’s always questionable at our house. It seems very varying on how many we’ll get from year to year. Which seems odd, usually it’s about the same number of kids year to year most other places, but no, can’t be that way here. I’ll let you know how we do though!
Catch the Moment 365 for 2015 – Week 43
Day 296 – Thursday, October 22nd – We have my current book of Vanishing Acts by Jodi Picoult. It’s so good. I just started it and I’m already almost halfway through. I haven’t read much Jodi Picoult, but got a few of her books in a box of books I got and I’m very pleased thus far.
Day 297 – Friday, October 23rd – The pool at night looks so cool! Debbie got given to her a two-night stay at her Dad and Stepmom’s timeshare for her wedding gift, but it was for a Friday and Saturday and Cameron (her husband) works then, his days off are Monday and Tuesday. Instead, Jason and I were able to go with her and the kids. We stayed in Seaside, Oregon.
Day 298 – Saturday, October 24th – The beach on Saturday. Jason went down with Debbie and the kids to the beach Saturday, as my back was killing me the idea of walking down there just brought tears to my eyes, so I stayed behind in the condo and read and watched the ocean from our balcony.
Day 299 – Sunday, October 25th – Pretty on our drive home Sunday.
Day 300 – Monday, October 26th – Roxy looked so cute cuddled into the blanket that I just had to stop and take a picture.
Day 301 – Tuesday, October 27th – Roxy and I playing some ball!
Day 302 – Wednesday, October 28th – Roxy soaking her paws like Mommy and Daddy soak their feet. She has been itchy on her feet (elsewhere too), that while we were in PetSmart – which I promised her we’d go after my dentist appointment that I took her with me on – I saw this paw soak for dogs that it claims to help itchy paws. It’s by Martha Stewart. It seemed to help some, but now she is itchy even more elsewhere. I don’t know.
How was your week?