My Best Photographs of Flowers

I found a prompt asking to show my best photograph and to explain it.  Well, I love many of my photos and couldn’t just choose one to share with you.  I know you see my photos every week, but these hold special memories and excitement to me and I wanted to share them.

I’m filing this under Wordless Wednesday, because that is when I am posting and why, but it will be anything but wordless.

All the ones I am sharing today though do have a theme of flowers.  I think I take some pretty great flower shots and I especially love to capture little bugs and insects in the flowers.  It gives that touch of mystery and being able to capture them in the actual photo I think is pretty amazing too.


Can you see the bug?  I love how everything else just blends away and I in no way know what I am doing when it comes to achieving that, so I am always very excited when that comes out in the photo too.

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 203 - Flower

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 226 - Flower with Bee

This is not my all time favorite, but look at how well you can see that bee!  I love that.  What do you think?

My Best Photographs of Flowers - Bee in Yellow Flower

And again I happened to capture a bee in the flower. And all the backlight is just filtered away, I love it.  But I really have no idea what I did.

My Best Photographs of Flowers - Spider in Rose

One of my all time very favorite shots that I took.  It’s just perfect to me.  What do you think?

There we have a few of my favorite flower shots.  I have a feeling I am going to do a regular series for a bit with Wordless Wednesday with My Best Photographs of certain themes.

I think next week might be sky shots, another of my favorites.

Do you like this idea?  What other themes would you enjoy seeing?  Do you have a certain theme of photos you tend to like more than others?

Sharing is caring!