What The Front Outside Of Our House Looks Like Now

Last week I gave you a bit of the history of our house and stated that I’d be doing a whole series of posts of what are house looks like now and what we hope to do over the course of time.  Today I am taking you through what the front outside of our house looks like now with a bit of detail on upcoming projects for it. *Upcoming, meaning at some point, but who knows when, but when we do, I’ll do a post all about it*

Our House

Front Outside Of Our House


First and foremost we need to completely redo our porch, many of you stated how much you love our front porch and we do too, but its rotting and falling apart.  It needs to be done like last year, so hopefully, that’ll be the first thing we do this spring, hopefully.

Plus it’ll be nice to have freshly painted and done outside so it’s a bit more inviting and more bright.  I think once we do the porch, it’ll make the house itself feel totally different when you look at it.  I’m excited to get going on it and have a fresh new porch to welcome people with.

I would love if we could extend out to the porch to match the front of the house too, but Jason said we probably can’t do that since we’d have to extend the roof too.  But wouldn’t that look lovely?  Plus give us a bit more extra space on the porch which would be really handy.

Front of Porch

You can also tell in the picture below a bit more of the porch and how it is not in the best shape and it needs work.

What The Front Outside Of Our House Looks Like Now - Left Front View

The flowers and plants around our front porch, for the most part, is okay.  It needs to be weeded and we want to get rid of the ferns on either side of the stairs.  We then will have to figure out what we’ll be putting in the place of the ferns.

The big yellow rose-bush in the corner there, needs trimmed up again and I am hoping the bugs don’t eat too much of my mini rose-bush next to it.

What The Front Outside Of Our House Looks Like Now - Ferns



Our yard is a hot mess.  We’ve tried so hard, at times, to get it in shape and have it our liking, but usually run out of steam, money and time.  

Last year we put weed and feed on half of our yard and it really made a big difference and that was only one feeding (there are supposed to be several).  We hope to do it this year again all over and really work on getting our yard to be an actual yard and not just weeds and rough grass.

What The Front Outside Of Our House Looks Like Now - Grass

You see the weeds and yellow grass and bare spots.  


We have a few bushes and other arrangements in our front outside of our house.  Some we’ll probably keep and some without a doubt we will not be.

Without a doubt, we’ll be keeping the bush shown below.  It has been dubbed Roxy’s Princess Castle.  A FedEx guy or a UPS guy nabbed it as that and it kind of stuck cause it’s true.  He said to her one day yes I see you in your princess castle barking away.  It was cute and made me giggle.  So it’s her castle and just can’t go anywhere.  It does need to be trimmed up again, though.

What The Front Outside Of Our House Looks Like Now - Roxys Castle

What The Front Outside Of Our House Looks Like Now - Well Worn Path

There is another bush of some kind in the other corner of the front outside of our house, but we’ll most likely be getting rid of that one.  I don’t think we are huge fans of that one.

What The Front Outside Of Our House Looks Like Now - Other Bush

I think I just want grass all the way to the corner but it hasn’t been fully decided yet.

Front View

I’ve pulled so many bulbs out of the front of our yard where all the flowers and bushes are, but things just keep growing up.  I’d love to get them all out and start fresh so we know what is in there and not have a mess of everything in there.

What The Front Outside Of Our House Looks Like Now - Front

I need to keep my little lilac bush, though, my favorite thing to smell ever.  I’d love tulips in that area and nothing else, I think.

And that taller bush, I don’t think we remember what that is.  We’ll see if we keep it or not.

There we have the front outside of our house now and a bit of what we’d like to do over the course of time and hopefully sooner than later, we’ll do some work and I can have an updated view for you all.

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What does the outside of your house look like?  What kind of changes would you like to make?

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