Mother’s Day By The Numbers

Mother’s Day is around the corner (Sunday, May 8th) and if you haven’t started already, now’s the time to remember all the little things the moms around us do every day and get them a token of your appreciation. Which Swagbucks is happy to help you break down Mother’s Day By The Numbers. Moms are creative, capable, and resourceful. Moms work hard! That’s why moms deserve the best and Swagbucks wants to make sure your Mom gets the best.
Right now you can earn up to 35% Cash Back on gifts for Mom at her favorite retailers when you shop through the Swagbucks Mother’s Day Sale, saving you lots of pennies and allowing you to splurge a little extra on mom!
Need more help shopping for mom? It’s no surprise that the Swagbucks community is packed with moms. So they surveyed their member base at the end of March to find out how moms view Mother’s Day. Swagbucks received more than 10,000 email responses and found the following: