Catch the Moment 366 Week 32 #CatchtheMoment366

I’m a little later than I would have liked for this week’s Catch the Moment 366 Week 32.  Life got in the way and yesterday after I edited my photos to post I felt just way too tired and could barely get anything more done after that. Yesterday we had a birthday gathering for Jason’s Aunt, so I am sitting down to do this post after we went out to breakfast and Roxy came home from her 6-month compressive exam.  

Sadly, I completely forgot a day this last week and I am not even sure why or what happened that day that I forgot to take a single photo.  I was pretty bummed when I realized it as I was gathering up my photos from the week.  Oh well, at least it was only one day and not more.

Find out all about Catch The Moment here. Here’s the short version.

  • You do not have to have a blog to participate.
  • Take a picture a day.
  • You can start at any time.
  • Use the hashtag #catchthemoment366 to play along on social media
  • Weeks start on Friday and end on Thursday. Download a calendar with the week #s here.
  • Come back and link up every Sunday – Thursday with your previous week’s photos.
  • It’s called a project versus a challenge because it is what you make of it
  • Join the Facebook Group here.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 32

Catch the Moment 366 Week 32 - Day 219 - My To Be Read Shelves

Day 219 – Friday, August 5th – A local group I am member of had a post where they said show us your books=shelvies.  I was all over that challenge.  First, I shared an older one I took and decided a new one need to be complied to be true.  Here we have the new to-be-read books.  It makes me so excited each time I go to pick out a new book to read.

Day 220 – Saturday, August 6th – The day I totally missed somehow.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 32 - Day 221 - Silly Roxy

Day 221 – Sunday, August 7th – Caught Roxy doing her happy dog dance in her bed and I was going to flip over and take video of her, but as soon as she saw me with the camera she jumped down.  I was super lucky to just get this one.  Her face cracks me up.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 32 - Day 222 - The Rusty Chain

Day 222 – Monday, August 8th – A new place opened in our local neighborhood after much work to get opened on their part.  We decided to walk down on their full opening night.  We’ll be back soon to write out a full blog review on here, so keep your eyes peeled for that soon!

Catch the Moment 366 Week 32 - Day 223 - Test Driving Mitsubishi Outlander Sport

Day 223 – Tuesday, August 9th – Excited to be test driving another car this last week.  It’s a 2016 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport.  The full blog review should be coming out Wednesday, so keep your eyes peeled also for that.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 32 - Day 224 - Solar Owl

Day 224 – Wednesday, August 10th – I bought this cute little guy while out visiting Debbie at work.  Isn’t he cute?  I couldn’t resist!

Catch the Moment 366 Week 32 - Day 225 - Current Book

Day 225 – Thursday, August 11th – My current read.  Reminds me a lot of one Kristin Hannah books, similar style and story.  A good read, though!

How was your week?

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