Catch the Moment 366 Week 41 #CatchtheMoment366

I hate that this week’s Catch the Moment 366 Week 41 is getting up much later than I would have liked.  But, it wasn’t my fault at all.  My Adobe Creative Cloud expired and I had the new code for the year all bought and ready to input. Sadly, that code didn’t activate when we bought it. So I had to wait until today to run to Best Buy and exchange out. All is well now.  Thank goodness.  Though Friday, I was pretty ticked off that it wasn’t working and I was annoyed I couldn’t get this post written up.

As for this last week, it was pretty quiet on the western front here.  Not a lot went on that was out of the normal.  Still trying to get in touch with the other people’s insurance that hit us so that we can get the car in to get repaired. Hopefully, we’ll hear back this week and can get that squared away.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 41


Day 282 – Friday, October 7th – Jason came home and said to me while we were getting ready to hang up, Cannoli is on the porch.  It took me forever to find her.  Just watching the world go by.  For those that don’t know, Cannoli is our neighbor’s cat, but she quite likes our house too.  


Day 283 – Saturday, October 8th – While I went out with Debbie for Birthday lunch last week, I ran across this cute little dog costume and just had to buy it for Roxy.  She’s a cute little Monster this year.


Day 284 – Sunday, October 9th – This was a different photo from my results with RevivHair serum.


Day 285 – Monday, October 10th – We don’t have a lot of Fall colors around us, but we do have these trees.  I couldn’t get a great photo of them but turned out okay.  I need to go look for some real Fall colors but they vanish for the season.


Day 286 – Tuesday, October 11th – I started reading my birthday gift from Debbie.  The Secret Rooms by Catherine Bailey.  It’s really interesting and has totally drawn me in. *amazon associate link, if you buy the book trough the provided link, I’ll get a kickback*


Day 287 – Wednesday, October 12th – While trying to play with my manual settings, of course, Roxy was my subject.


Day 288 – Thursday, October 13th – It was the perfect morning.  The rain was coming down, I had my book, my coffee, my blanket and my puppy.  I had to start my real day though soon after taking this photo.

How was your week?

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