2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 17 #CatchtheMoment365

Life on this end of the world is pretty quiet and simple.  Which sometimes is what I like best about it.  But because of that, it makes the pictures each week a little boring and average. As for this 2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 17, not a lot went down, minus our cute little Kia Niro leaving us Tuesday. It was hard to part with her after having her for two weeks.

Otherwise, I couldn’t tell you exactly what happened besides going out to eat Thursday evening. A total blank thought other than your average daily occurrences. I can tell you, I am super tired of the rainy cloudy weather. This is coming from someone who loves the rain and the sun. The sun needs to make a good solid appearance though. Itching, so badly, for my morning front porch sitting & my afternoon porch working.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 17

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 17 - Day 113 - Please Mommy

Day 113 – Sunday, April 23rd – Sunday I basically took the day off.  I read some, played some games on my phone and we caught up on a bit of our DVR. While eating dinner, Roxy was saying please Mommy may I have some? She was being way too cute not to capture a photo of.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 17 - Day 114 - Driving to Spirit Mountain Casino

Day 114 – Monday, April 24th – Decided to take a quick run to Spirit Mountain Casino to test out the car on a longer distance run (it’s about an hour & half). Since our trip to Bend with the Kia Niro didn’t pan out, we wanted to still try to test out the car a bit more.  Catch the post all about the Kia Niro coming this Wednesday!

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 17 - Day 115 - Restless at Soccer

Day 115 – Tuesday, April 25th – When you are restless at soccer you take a random soccer photo.  My laptop was about dead and I didn’t want to read at the time.  There wasn’t a lot of time left, so picture it was. Good thing too since this was the only photo I got that day.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 17 - Day 116 - Ant Heart

Day 116 – Wednesday, April 26th – This is so gross. Sorry. I am working very hard on getting rid of our ants and its slowly working it’s magic in different places in the house. I looked back and the ants were shaped as a heart around the food.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 17 - Day 117 - Jason at Julianos

Day 117 – Thursday, April 27th – Out to dinner with one of Jason’s co-workers at one of our favorite pizza places. Local Tuesday spotlight on it this Tuesday, come back then to see it. 

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 17 - Day 118 - Falling Asleep on Job

Day 118 – Friday, April 28th – When you are begging for Mommy’s food but are falling asleep on the job. Such a sleepy baby!

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 17 - Day 119 - Roxy and her Peanut Butter Bone (1)

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 17 - Day 119 - Roxy and her Peanut Butter Bone (2)

Day 119 – Saturday, April 29th – I gave Roxy one of her peanut butter dental bones. She usually carries it around for a bit and cries with it as she hides it a couple of times.  Before she eats it finally. This was her with it on the couch this time around. We couldn’t decide between the two photos, so you get them both this time around!

How was your week?

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