2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 22 #CatchtheMoment365
Kicking myself in the butt once again because of this 2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 22 is a day later than normal. Yesterday was just a weird day though. From waking up way early to having weird issues with the car was coming down for a two-week review, and attending the last DogPaw Event. Today the photos got into their folder for the week and edited. So, here I am getting the post up.
The beginning of this last week of photos found us outdoors trying to get the yard into shape. Most importantly finally getting the garden tilled for some vegetables. A going away party for someone at Jason’s work and of course soccer.
Maybe something fun was captured this last week that will interest you.
2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 22
Day 148 – Sunday, May 28th – The garden area finally got all tilled up and is ready some yummy vegetable plants to be planted. There is still loose grass but we’ll get that as we plant. Hopefully, we’ll be able to harvest some amazing vegetables even with a little late on start.
Day 149 – Monday, May 29th – Please don’t mind Jason’s face. The mission was to capture Roxy eating. She’s so funny. In the house, she needs her food dumped on the floor and will only eat when we play. Outside, she’ll eat out of her dish and without a lot of playtime to do so.
Day 150 – Tuesday, May 30th – Took a little popcorn snack to soccer with my book. We couldn’t eat beforehand and I was feeling a bit hungry so ended up being the perfect solution.
Day 151 – Wednesday, May 31st – This pretty rose bush is right outside one of my main windows when I am sitting in my spot on the couch. From time to time I’ll catch it out of the corner of my eye and swear someone is standing there. Freaks me out.
Day 152 – Thursday, June 1st – Hands down the BEST company that Jason’s work for. Blows me away on such a regular basis. One of the guys that had been with the company was leaving and they hosted a big party for him to honor him. Such a lovely time and so sweet.
Day 153 – Friday, June 2nd – The water pipe work starts on our street.
Day 154 – Saturday, June 3rd – Spent the day cleaning like a mad woman. Wanted to start on the main floor but somehow I started upstairs and super cleaned all that. The game area was my last spot for the evening. Reorganized and a few games put into the yard sale boxes.
How was your week?