2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45 #CatchtheMoment365

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You all will hardly believe this, but as I am typing up this 2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45, it’s Sunday evening! Pretty darn giddy that I have gotten so much work done today, which includes gathering this post for Tuesday. Feeling so motivated and happy now. Amazing feeling when work actually just drums itself out with ease.

As for this last week, I see that there was actually some good variety in the week. No big happenings though, just coasting through the week doing our average things. See a picture for every day this last week, with a little tidbit for that photo/that day.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45 - Day 309 - SkipBo Game Night

Day 309 – Sunday, November 5th – Decided to drag out Skip-Bo for a little evening card playing. We had a lazy Sunday and decided it was time to step it up a bit. Ended up playing three games and I came out the big big winner! Was lots of fun win or lose though!

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45 - Day 310 - Monday Bingo

Day 310 – Monday, November 6th – Because it was Jason’s Birthday week, he got to decide if we were heading out to bingo for the week. You can tell now what he decided.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45 - Day 311 - Sunrise

Day 311 – Tuesday, November 7th – Got up this morning and was seeing all the locals posting what a beautiful sunrise it was. And me being me, I wouldn’t have been up to see that. I went to take the photos off the memory card later that day and what do I see? Several different photos of the sunrise this morning was taken by my lovely husband.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45 - Day 312 - A girl and her ball

Day 312 – Wednesday, November 8th – Just a cute little girl and her favorite ball. Don’t tell her but that ball has to go soon.  She’ll be so mad about that.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45 - Day 313 - Woodwick Candle

Day 313 – Thursday, November 9th – Late at night and realizing you haven’t captured a photo yet. Trying to play to capture the pretty flame from the Woodwick candle. Have you heard of Woodwick candles? I had just heard about them and had to have them.  They crackle as they burn. It’s so great! Plus they burn so evenly and nicely.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45 - Day 314 - Emilys Cats

Day 314 – Friday, November 10th – Emily was nice enough to invite everyone over for some white bean chicken chili after soccer. Her two kitties sat and judged us as we ate. They are so cute.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45 - Day 315 - Jasons Birthday Cheesecake

Day 315 – Saturday, November 11th – Jason’s actual birthday. Plus Veterans Day. Honoring both on this special day just for him. I got him this mini cheesecake and it was perfect. We also went out to dinner but weirdly didn’t get full so stopped by Doomsday Brewing Safe House (which is also pet-friendly!) and had some snacks from the food cart. We ended up playing several board games and having SO much fun. One of the best nights out in a long time!

How was your week?

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