2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 47 #CatchtheMoment365

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This 2017 Catch the Moment 365 week 47 is brought to you by the letter “R”. R for Roxy that is. Lack of inspiration and having a cute face to take a photo is the rhyme this week. I don’t know what was happening this last week but taking photos wasn’t at the top of my head it would seem.

Can we count it a partial win for this last week though? Wanna know why? I got a single photo every day this last week. Wahoo.  We won’t talk about me already missing a photo for this new week.  Nope, not talking about it.

I do hope that all of you in the USA had a great Thanksgiving though.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 47

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 47 - Day 323 - Kingdom Hearts

Day 323 – Sunday, November 19th – Started playing Kingdom Hearts again, from the beginning. We had played this years and years ago on the PlayStation 2, maybe. We almost finished it and for whatever reason just stopped. Recently we bought all the past and new ones for the Kingdom Hearts series for the PlayStation 4. It’s so fun. Not to mention super cute.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 47 - Day 324 - Goodreads Win

Day 324 – Monday, November 20th – Decided for today’s photo to take it of my Goodreads book win. But you know that alone wouldn’t be as fun, so included Roxy in it too.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 47 - Day 325 - InstantPot Hamburger Soup

Day 325 – Tuesday, November 21st – Having had my InstantPot for over a year and yet hardly using it, decided it was time to use it more. Made up this super yummy hamburger soup. If you are on the fence about buying one, buy it. I highly doubt you’ll regret it. It makes great food and is easy. I still feel like I am not doing things correctly even while following directions. But everything turns out good, so there is that. Grab it with the link above because I noticed its on a stellar deal. Get it!

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 47 - Day 326 - Curled up Roxy

Day 326 – Wednesday, November 22nd – My beautiful Roxy girl actually cuddling with me for naptime. Usually, if I lay down to take a nap, she decides it’s time to get up and be a huge pain in the butt.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 47 - Day 327 - Thanksgiving Dessert

Day 327 – Thursday, November 23rd – One of the many desserts at Thanksgiving dinner.  I liked the way this photo turned out more than the others, so had to share it for the daily photo. Not that I ate any of the desserts but I did take photos of it all.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 47 - Day 328 - Me and My Girl

Day 328 – Friday, November 24th – Took several shots to do a quick all about me Friday on Instagram. This is one of the outtakes. Look at her giving me that side eye!

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 47 - Day 329 - Late Night Bedtime Cuddles

Day 329 – Saturday, November 25th – Realizing as we are cuddled into big bed that I haven’t got a single regular photo that day. Thankfully, Roxy was being super cuddly and cute.

How was your week?


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