2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 48 #CatchtheMoment365
Am a bad picture taker again. There are only two photos for this 2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 48 that are from my big girl camera. The rest are on my phone and even Jason’s phone. And I still missed days. Haven’t a clue of where my head has been lately but it will get better again.
In my eyes, this still isn’t a failure. I am here sharing what I have for this last week. Did I get a photo every single day? Nope. And that is okay. It’s how I stay with Catch the Moment 365, don’t sweat missing days. Just move forward and capture as many as you can.
This last week was pretty much our average week. Nothing fun to report or show. But hopefully, you like a few of the photos at least.
2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 48
Day 330 – Sunday, November 26th – After we had a breakfast/lunch with Kris (my sissy!) and her boyfriend George – we headed over to Costco. Jason got a kick out of these big bottles of wines and an even bigger kick out of the wine glass to go with it! These are the ones we took from his phone. He said you can’t share one with the other. So here we are. Drink up!
Day 331 – Monday, November 27th – Saturday I moved Roxy’s platform and big bed over to the dining room windows. Instead of putting her toys under the bed like they were before, I just flung them beside. Roxy, I think, likes it cause she can more easily get to them all and pick new ones. Getting a photo of her diving in there was hard cause she was always moving. This was the best shot out of the ones I got.
Day 333 – Wednesday, November 29th – Happened to catch out of the corner of my eye this little guy sitting on the chair, snacking on his nut. This was actually taken through the window and the screen but happily, you can not tell that.
Day 335 – Friday, December 1st – I took this photo for a Derma E challenge on Instagram but never posted it cause I wasn’t really pleased with it. I think my nose is growing. Drives me nuts.
Day 336 – Saturday, December 2nd – Gold was the challenge for this day on my Instagram December challenge. This is what I came up with. Our second living room touch lamp.
I am annoyed that these are ones you already saw on Instagram, I try to not do that. But it’ll get better again and you’ll see new stuff here again. Promise!
How was your week?