2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 49 #CatchtheMoment365
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The busy season seems to be here. Now we aren’t the type to do a lot but when we do have things on our calendar, it seems to all come at once. My body and mind don’t do well with go-go. It needs that down lazy days to recoup. I shall be almost useless until the new year I think.
For this 2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 49, there are only a few from my big girl camera. Several are straight from Instagram, so you likely have already seen them. If you follow and you should.
But, am happy to say there are no missed days at least. Yay, me!
2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 49
Day 337 – Sunday, December 3rd – Jason joked we should just leave the tree like this, beautiful. He kept insisting I take a photo. So here it is. Happily because of him I ended up getting the photo of the day because of his prompting. Sadly, it sat bare here for almost a week but opened at least.
Day 338 – Monday, December 4th – Was doing an Instagram challenge for December. This days prompt was a cookie. We rarely have cookies in the house but had bought some at Chuck’s Produce the day before. Fitting, I think.
Day 339 – Tuesday, December 5th – The Kia Forte EX arrived bright and early for our riding pleasure. Roxy and I were able to go on our first adventure right away to pick up Debbie for her late Birthday lunch and shopping.
Day 340 – Wednesday, December 6th – Another prompt for the December photo challenge for Instagram. This was tinsel and leads to a sneak peek of an upcoming DIY craft for the blog. I am hoping to get it up tomorrow but it may be Thursday now.
Day 341 – Thursday, December 7th – This is me from Jasons work Christmas party at Ilani. I had asked for ya’alls help on my Instastory and ended up going with this. Even though I didn’t want so much black that is the way it worked out. Also to be noted that I ended up winning a $200 on one single bonus game on a slot machine. Wahoo!
Day 342 – Friday, December 8th – Roxy decided that the Happy Salmon game we received free made an excellent pillow for her. Doesn’t she look cute? Happy Salmon is an amazingly fun and easy game, check out the video on Instagram. Buy it on Amazon now. It’ll make an excellent stocking stuffer!
Day 343 – Saturday, December 9th – We did, for the first time, the Oregon Zoo Lights. My sissy poo, Kris and her boyfriend George came over for it. We had a grand time but it was very cold and crowded. So pretty though.
How was your week?