2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 13 #CatchtheMoment365

First, I know that this 2018 Catch the Moment Week 13 is up later than normal.  Which I am kind of bummed about because I had been pretty consistent with getting it up each Tuesday for this year and I was proud of that fact. But, I had several different sponsored posts that were pushed to get out and left me feeling rushed. Plus, an idea sprouting itself for a new post for Wheels Wednesday had me wanting to do that.

So here we are Thursday and I am just now getting the past week of photos up. And realizing I missed a day too this last week.  I am just not winning it for Catch the Moment this last week. At least the rest of the blogging life is going swimmingly!

A weird mix of photos is for your pleasure this week. I am not sure how to classify them at all this week, so just see for yourselves.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 13

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 13 - Day 85 - Brownie Dessert

Day 85 – Monday, March 26th – I did something I never do while eating out, at all.  I ordered a dessert – some kind of brownie. But this is how massive it came out as.  Good lord.  It was tasty but I couldn’t finish it and brought the rest home.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 13 - Day 86 - Roxy Hanging

Day 86 – Tuesday, March 27th – Just a girl hanging her head out of the Kia Soul Turbo – we named her Ruby. So watch for the new hashtag #RubyTheKiaSoul coming soon to a social network to you!

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 13 - Day 88 - Solo Lunch at Rosemarys Cafe

Day 88 – Thursday, March 29th – Did something I hardly ever do. One walked downtown.  Two went to lunch by myself. I was going to pull my laptop and work while eating.  But it felt weird, so I just read while I ate lunch. Then walked over to my hair appointment. Yay for a me day that pushes me out of my normal.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 13 - Day 89 - Red Robin Early Dinner

Day 89 – Friday, March 30th – Jason and I stopped at Red Robin before soccer for a late lunch/early dinner. This sign was above me and I giggled some and took a photo. Ended up being the only photo I took, so here we go!

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 13 - Day 90 - Jump Roxy

Day 90 – Saturday, March 31st – Taking some photos for our Michelob sponsored post and Jason captures this. Giggled as I saw this one and catching Roxy in mid-jump to my lap.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 13 - Day 91 - Sunset

Day 91 – Sunday, April 1st – Happened to look outside and I saw this beautiful sunset happening.  Quickly popped out and took this single photo!

How was your week?

In case you were curious about what posts kept me running this week:

Got the Courage
After Working Out
Active Healthy Life
11 Items to Keep in Your Car

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