Tap Union Freehouse is One of the Most Wonderful Places Around

Last year Jason and I started Local Tuesday.  A place to feature anything locally but we ended up doing two places to eat/drink.  We both truly enjoyed going out and visiting the places, taking the photos we thought may work for the blog, and getting the post up.  But last year creative wise for me was not the best.  Which left Local Tuesday dangling alone with only the two posts to show for it.

I had said this year I wanted to bring it back better than ever, yet here it is May and we haven’t done a single local place/business.  But that is where it changes.  We visited Tap Union Freehouse in downtown Vancouver, Washington for our next local spotlight and am so thrilled to share with you all why we think its a pretty grand place.

Tap Union Freehouse - Hero

Tap Union Freehouse is One of the Most Wonderful Places Around

When you first walk up to Tap Union Freehouse located at 1300 Washington Street, you might be thinking you are walking into something odd and different. Which would totally be the case, but seriously in a good way. Trust me.

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Walking in it seriously feels like you are walking into someone’s older home.  And that doesn’t change throughout your time at Tap Union Freehouse.  It feels like you are over visiting someone in their home and they are having a party.

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Place your orders at the bar, which is located straight ahead once you walk in.  With many beers on tap, you can see the selection in frames around the walls.  Which I think is one of their neatest touches.  Usually, there are only two ciders on tap, which makes me a bit sad but there is also a wide selection of drinks in the cold case to your left which gives you a few more cider varieties.  I am a cider girl and am not a huge fan of beer.  Jason will drink either of them.

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Once you decided on your drink, they have a nice little menu for you to pick what you’d like to eat.  And you are going to want to eat here, again trust me. Sandwiches are served à la carte but you may only need the sandwich, they are that big and filling.  Fear not though there are several other small items on the menu to fill your tummy and make your taste buds happy on the other side of the menu.

Tap Union Freehouse (22 of 31) Tap Union Freehouse (23 of 31)

I didn’t eat this time around, I usually do. As I had a huge taco salad before Jason and his Dad came back from the Timbers game.  But Jason filled up on the Spicy Swine, which is what I normally get and LOVE.  And Dad picked the Italian Grinder, I think – which he said was HUGE and he didn’t know if he could finish the whole thing.

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The food here is simply amazing and very well made.

If you come and want some dessert, might I suggest the Chocolate & Cheese and get it a la mode.  Simply divine.  With me not being big on chocolate and simply loving this sandwich, you must try it!  Hands down one of my favorite desserts, EVER. We didn’t get it this time around, as it was late afternoon and dessert was the furthest thing on our mind.

Now that we talked about food and drink, which again are the greatest selections.  Might we talk the space Tap Union Freehouse has?

Outside you’ll find a nice little patio, which also has a fire for the evening enjoyment. Plenty of table space to enjoy the nice weather.  Inside the main area, you’ll find a few tables to fill up. My favorite being the BIG table right in the middle of the big window, I took a picture from the top while we were there, I just wish people had been sitting there at the time.

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Upstairs is one of our favorite places to spend a full evening.  Where you will find couches, chairs and some more tables. Relaxed and comfortable.  We once spent the whole evening upstairs eating and drinking while playing Skip-Bo.  The perfect evening right there.

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Those are just a few of the reasons we love Tap Union Freehouse.  It has the greatest people and the greatest space to just enjoy a little bit of time without worry that you are taking up a table or space.

Now for my favorite part of Tap Union Freehouse, it is completely dog-friendly, inside and out.  Roxy very much likes this little addition and she was part of the full evening playing skip-bo.

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It is also worth mentioning that they give away free Birthday beers.  And none of these little tiny beers but in big old mugs to help celebrate YOU on your special day.

Now that you have drooled over the idea of Tap Union Freehouse, go visit and tell me all about it!

Tap Union Freehouse
1300 Washington St.
Vancouver, WA 98660

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