2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 25 #CatchtheMoment365
Let’s be honest. As I always am. After having gone on our anniversary camping trip, I am having the hardest time getting back into the swing of work again. But at least I am getting this 2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 25 up on my normal day. That is my small win for the week so far. Have so many other things I need to get going and I just stare blankly at my screen. I need a boost to get going again or something.
I do have photos to share though but sadly I again missed a day this last week. It seems to be my theme lately and I need to get change that. And get back into daily picking up my Nikon.
But steps people, baby steps. We will get there and at least I always get the week up to share with you all, even if I miss a day. Not a biggie. Moving on and forward.
Now to share the last week a bit in photos…
2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 25
Day 169 – Monday, June 18th – Just some puffy pink clouds that I couldn’t resist snapping some photos of.
Day 170 – Tuesday, June 19th – Just a girl doing a little sunbathing in the dirt. I was sitting outside doing some early morning computer work and she decided this clear part of dirt felt heavenly.
Day 172 – Thursday, June 21st – Got all set up at camp and decided to have a small snack before dinner time. And playing some Tri-Ominos (amazon associate link) while we did. I am seriously addicted to this game. Am pretty giddy over my partnership with Pressman Toys, as we got this free to review and has quickly become a favorite of mine. Jason had played an older version before and I had never even seen it before we got it.
Day 173 – Friday, June 22nd – Our full day of exploring at the Taidnapam park and this sight was just way too pretty.
Day 174 – Saturday, June 23rd – Making our way back home and we decided to take the long way home. And I am sure glad we did because we saw such pretty sights. This view of Mt. St. Helens just being one of them.
Day 175 – Sunday, June 24th – Before we left Jason had to stop at Fred Meyer and ended up finding this. He got an amazing deal on it that we just couldn’t pass up. We’ve been wanting one but he was just going to build one. This was such a steal we had to snag it. Now to just get people over and have some lawn fun!
How was your week?
A full update on our anniversary camping trip will be coming up soon. Full of a lot more photos to share!