2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 39 #CatchtheMoment365

The disappointment I felt when gathering this 2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 39 was real. Realizing that I had missed a day and my photos were not that inspiring or interesting either.  Looking at the bright side of things though, which we all need to do more of, I did get 6 days of photos.  While they might not be that grand or interesting to look at, it is a peek into our every day and that matters.  The whole catch the moment is just capturing the everyday.  And that is exactly what I do each week.

Dusting myself off and being proud that I did get 6 out 7 photos and that in itself is a win too, no matter how small.  While our weeks are very average and to some boring, that is okay.  It is our week and our regular life.  I am all about that regular life.

Without further ado, a little peek at our last week…

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 39

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 39 - Day 267 - My Birthday

Day 267 – Monday, September 24th – It was my 39th Birthday! Taking advantage of my free birthday item at Starbucks, Roxy and I walked up to our local Starbucks.  I ordered myself lunch and an iced tea.  And while in there picking up my food I asked for a puppuccino.  Roxy was pleased with this little treat too.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 39 - Day 268 - Tuesday Bubble Bath

Day 268 – Tuesday, September 25th – Wasn’t feeling really great this day, so decided to stay home from soccer.  Instead, I gave myself a bubble bath and relaxed.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 39 - Day 269 - Reading at Soccer

Day 269 – Wednesday, September 26th – Reading at soccer, or rather trying to.  I was nearly done with this book and would take no time at all but kept getting distracted by the other field.  There was quite a bit of arguing going on over there.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 39 - Day 271 - Groomed Roxy

Day 271 – Friday, September 28th – Roxy got prettily groomed but didn’t think to get a better photo.  Instead, it was late evening and realizing I hadn’t gotten a photo yet that day.  She looked so cute in her pumpkin bandana.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 39 - Day 272 - Roxy and Sam Playdate

Day 272 – Saturday, September 29th – This is Sam with Roxy.  Sam is the neighbor dog behind us.  They are quite the duo in the neighborhood because if one barks the other comes to help. Roxy gets so excited when Sam comes into the fence to play a bit.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 39 - Day 273 - Lazy Sunday

Day 273 – Sunday, September 30th – Was a cozy lazy Sunday.  Which also meant I didn’t think to capture a photo until later in the evening while watching some TV.

How was your week?


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