2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 41 #CatchtheMoment365

Last Sunday I had a post go live that I was actually pretty darn excited about.  The flow was there and I felt really good about hitting publish on it.  That has been a rare thing for me for a bit now and I couldn’t be more excited about it, Best Two-Player Games for Fall.  Which has me hoping that that magical juice will stick around.  This 2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 41 was a good one I think too, very random but with some pretty scene photos too.

This week of photos starts out with us coming home from the coast and ending out the week with a little evening drive. A bit of this and a bit of that but all seven days are here for your viewing pleasure and questions.

Now for week 41, a glimpse back.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 41

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 41 - Day 281 - Hwy 101

Day 281 – Monday, October 8th – Our mission while having the Kia Niro PHEV was getting some Fall photos with the car.  It just didn’t happen. There was not a lot of Fall colors to be found.  I did happen to capture this, which had a small glimpse of Fall in the photo while driving down HWY 101.  The real reason I took the photo was though for the low lying clouds over the mountain.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 41 - Day 282 - Deep Cleaning Master Bathroom

Day 282 – Tuesday, October 9th – Decided that it was time to start deep cleaning and decluttering around the house. Started out this day with our master bathroom.  This was just all my makeup, face products, and hair things. I finished the master bathroom that day and it looks so much better.  Throwing away so much stuff and yuck.  A few things went into the goodwill box.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 41 - Day 283 - Phantoms

Day 283 – Wednesday, October 10th – Took this photo mainly for my instastories to try and get others to let me know what they were currently reading.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 41 - Day 284 - Sun Bathing Roxy

Day 284 – Thursday, October 11th – When you don’t pull your laptop desk over to you because little girl found the perfect sunbathing spot and you don’t want to disturb her.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 41 - Day 285 - Friday Evening

Day 285 – Friday, October 12th – Have been doing an Instagram October photo challenge and so enjoying it.  This ended up being the only photo I took this day though, so have to share it here too.  It was “FriYay”. And while this isn’t my ideal yay thing, it was all I could get.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 41 - Day 286 - Hormel Ham

Day 286 – Saturday, October 13th – Look at that juicy fall apart ham.  We received this free from Social Insiders.  It’s a Hormel Curemaster Reserve Ham.  I had to finish my survey for it by the 15th and so we were having an 11.5 ham for two people. It was tasty though but we were not a huge fan of the glaze we decided to put on it.  A pineapple ginger one (three came with it) and the ginger just didn’t seem right and overpowered everything else.  Total win, ham wise, though.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 41 - Day 287 - Fall Evening Drive

Day 287 – Sunday, October 14th – Jason was supposed to bring home things to unclog our kitchen drain from work. He gets home and had forgotten to grab them.  So off back to work we all went. Deciding to do a bit of a drive on our way back home.  This was such a pretty scene but through the dirty windshield it didn’t turn out as well as I  hoped.

How was your week?

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