A Delightful Quick Day Trip to Seattle
Nissan provided us the 2019 Nissan Rogue for our trip. However, all thoughts & photos are 100% our own.
I may be super quiet in person for the most part, yet I still like gatherings. It’s hard to imagine though since I am so quiet and standoffish when at these type of events. Which is why I usually like to be the hosting, since I am more relaxed in my home. Still, though, I enjoy them. It helps if I am in charge of photos, etc. Something to distract me and make me move.
Jason’s Uncle Al & Aunt Eileen were hosting an early Thanksgiving family gathering in Seattle, the Saturday before Thanksgiving. And because our current vehicles are not the greatest and I don’t trust them any distance. I was looking for a way to get to Seattle safely and with ease. Which is why I am so grateful to Nissan for taking a chance on me as a blogger and influencer to allow us to test out the 2019 Nissan Rogue to our quick day trip to Seattle.
A Delightful Quick Day Trip to Seattle
The 2019 Nissan Rogue arrived, to us, early Friday morning, the 16th of November. Was pretty giddy when I saw the color, which was a bright pretty orange called Monarch Orange metallic. That deep orange just called to me for whatever reason and I am not normally big on orange as a color.
Getting in for the first time I noticed a sweet note and a couple bottle of waters welcoming and thanking us for choosing Nissan. It was the sweetest thing and made my heart swell.
Happily, it was also noted in our first look inside it had 2 seat memory, so Jason and I could each set our seat and outside mirrors to our liking and easily switch between.
We drove around to do errands that day, where I drove. I liked the way it felt and it had some really good get up and go. Sometimes a little too good of get up and go because you’d be speeding without even realizing it because the acceleration was so smooth. The only thing I didn’t like, was the headrest. No matter what I did to adjust it, it always felt like it was shoving my head forward.
Drive Up
Jason drove on the way up to Seattle Saturday late morning. I don’t do loads of traffic well, so he usually drives on big trips. Loading all three of us and overnight bags in the Nissan Rogue we were off. While we were pretty sure that we were going to come home that night, we decided it was a good idea to take things with us in case that changed. The cargo space was so nice and big. If we had been going away for a weekend or more, it would have left with us with plenty of room for all our gear.
Was so happy that it was sunny weather for our drive but never really found anything fun to take some photos of.
The sunroof though let in so much light and look at those blue skies!
I tried taking some photos in the car while driving but those didn’t turn out great either. Roxy though was all about hanging her head out the window and really tasting the Seattle air. And I did get decent shots of her doing just that. Mentioned on my twitter that I think she is the true tester of the cars we get to play in. I mean just look at her.
Family Time
Arriving in Seattle on Lake Union, we gathered with family for our early Thanksgiving. Roxy and I took several walks to get some more photos to share.
Can you spot the Nissan Rogue?
While at the house before dinner, you could find most everyone decorating their little planes for a later plane competition. The plane competition has become a tradition when going to Uncle Al’s, usually around Thanksgiving but sometimes closer to Christmas.
Before the plane competition took place, we gathered for our dinner of lasagna, salad, and bread. It was all very tasty.
Let the plane competition happen. It was I think a tad darker than it would have normally been by the time we did it but it made for a beautiful sunset.
Dessert & White Elephant Exchange
After we gathered back in for dessert. We also gathered around for a white elephant exchange, which also has become a tradition this time of year when we gather at Uncle Al & Aunt Eileen’s. Sadly, there were “poppers” in most bags and once everyone started popping those, I had to run away with Roxy. She was completely and utterly freaked out. Even when we were away, she took forever to calm down. Poor baby. I was at least able to open my white elephant before we had to run and we got two cute little stuff animals that Roxy ended up loving. Happy that I usually walk away from the white elephant exchange an actual winner, usually with books. I did snag a couple of books that had been someone else’s gift and they left.
We ended up not leaving until later in the evening and not getting home until 1 am but made it home safe and sound we did. Having had a great time with family and in the 2019 Nissan Rogue – especially with the heated seats & steering wheel.
Do you gather with family on actual Thanksgiving or do you do another day for the whole family to gather? There was another family Thanksgiving here in town on actual Thanksgiving but I ended up being sick and staying home. I hope that all of you had a great Thanksgiving, however you spent it.