2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 48 #CatchtheMoment365

Am so sorry that this 2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 48 is going up so late.  Once we got home from our Idaho trip, which was centered around my sister getting married, I had zero desire to get any work done.  Plus, we have been so much busier than normal.  I am feeling very cranky but it should be better this week.  Just needing to get my feet back under me and my head centered again.

At least with our trip to Idaho thrown in at the end of the week, there is a little bit more variety in this week’s photos

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 48

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 48 - Day 330 - Turkey Dinner

Day 330 – Monday, November 26th – Finally was able to have my Thanksgiving dinner after being sick for actual Thanksgiving.  Our leftovers were delivered and decided it was the perfect dinner option for Monday.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 48 - Day 331 - Seahawks Helmet Puzzle

Day 331 – Tuesday, November 27th – Jason finally finished the Seahawk jigsaw puzzle he had been working on.  Usually, I’d do it next right away but I wanted to be able to dive into the Christmas puzzles.  This one got put away for now for me to do later. A Christmas jigsaw puzzle came out for me instead.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 48 - Day 332 - Jigsaw Puzzle and Snack

Day 332 – Wednesday, November 28th – Started the Christmas jigsaw puzzle and had a little meat snack to go with it.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 48 - Day 333 - Cold Sunset

Day 333 – Thursday, November 29th – Happened to look outside in the back and saw this vivid sunset.  Quickly grabbing my Nikon to snap a few photos.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 48 - Day 334 - Roxy Drinks Coffee

Day 334 – Friday, November 30th – We were off to Idaho.  Shared this photo on Instastories but I had to share it here too because I love that it looks like Roxy is drinking my coffee.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 48 - Day 335 - Kris and George Get Married

Day 335 – Saturday, December 1st – Officially Mr. & Mrs.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 48 - Day 336 - Roxy begs George

Day 336 – Sunday, December 2nd – Roxy knows who the big old softie is on her puppy dog begging eyes.

How was your week?

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