2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50 #CatchtheMoment365

Can you believe it guys?  The countdown of 2018 is here and round up the 2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50 is already here. Which means only two more weeks to share and 2018 will be one for the books.  I am still up in the air if I will keep doing Catch the Moment 365.  Part of me wants to say yes without a doubt because it’s such a huge part of me and even this blog.  Then another part of me is like this is boring and it’s not like your weeks are super exciting.  My head then says but that is the point of your blog is being YOU.  Even when it’s boring and mundane.  So we’ll see, likely it’ll stay but it could go.

As for this last week of photos.  I felt a bit calmer and not as cranky but the pictures themselves are pretty average again.  Just take a gander and let me know…

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50 - Day 344 - Old Washer

Day 344 – Monday, December 10th – Having this as my photo for the day makes me laugh. One it was the only photo taken that day (well and other stuff for sale) and two it really should have been the new washer not the old.  We finally (because of my jobs this last year) upgraded our washer and this bad boy is ready to sell.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50 - Day 345 - Holding that Finger Tight

Day 345 – Tuesday, December 11th – I watch little Emmett while Mom and Dad play soccer on Tuesdays and some Friday’s.  He is getting much more super aware of his surroundings and it’s adorable.  He had a tight grip on my hand and I had to let go when I wanted a picture hoping he’d grip again.  As you can tell, he did.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50 - Day 346 - Waiting on Daddy

Day 346 – Wednesday, December 12th – I opted to stay home soccer, which meant Roxy did too.  She really goes along with us cause she likes to go and be a part of it all even if she has to stay in the car.  So she was watching the door for Daddy to come back through already.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50 - Day 347 - Al Angelo Christmas Party

Day 347 – Thursday, December 13th – Had Jason’s company Christmas party at Tommy O’s and had this pretty little drink there.  It was a blackberry lemon drop and it was yummy!  Was a great evening though because after this we bar hopped some which we never do.  Plus we knew people everywhere we went and got to visit some, which again is rare for us and loved it!

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50 - Day 348 - Roxy Sleeping with her Ball

Day 348 – Friday, December 14th – Doesn’t everyone sleep with their little balls?

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50 - Day 349 - Roxy Loves the Tree Skirt

Day 349 – Saturday, December 15th – Roxy loves it when the tree skirt comes out.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50 - Day 350 - Puzzle Working Time

Day 350 – Sunday, December 16th – Worked on my Christmas jigsaw puzzle some and even finished it this evening too.  Was so fun.

How was your week?

FYI – It’s going to be pretty quiet over here on the blog for the next week or two.  I am going to be taking some time away from the computer to recharge.  Am hoping to jot down some ideas for the blog while I am “away” and get a good start in the new year.

Merry Christmas everyone!!


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