2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 #CatchtheMoment365

When you go to gather 2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 and are pleased you have six photos of the seven days. What is wrong with this picture? I truly thought I missed more days because, let’s just say, it’s been a week. A long weird messed up routine of a week.

Jason was subbing at the game before his for indoor soccer on Wednesday. He was playing goalie, as he often does. Ended up getting hit with the ball right in the eyeball. You’d think this was a rare thing or not a big deal. But guess what? It’s a huge deal, there was bleeding in his eye and we knew we had to head to Urgent Care. This is actually the third, yes third, time he has been hit in the eye at indoor soccer. And guess what? All the same eye.

With bleeding behind the eye and in front of the eye, he was put on semi bed rest for the rest of the week, which meant no work and very little else at home. There was risk of re-bleeding which would have made everything much worse.

Thankfully, with Monday’s appointment he got all the all clear to go back to work but make sure to keep that eye protected. Because yes, it still has lots of blood in it. Plus he can’t really see well. With haziness and the blood clots floating around. I have been driving him to work and picking him up.

We are hopeful this will clear out on it’s own and all will be well.

See now why I was giddy with 6 of the 7 days to show for photos? Take a look see now!

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 11 - Day 71 - Working at Soccer

Day 71 – Tuesday, March 12th – Got some work done at our Tuesday evening soccer time. Finished up Roxy’s heart murmur update to publish Thursday. Was a good evening for work at soccer. The coffee may have helped!

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 11 - Day 72 - Tucked In Finally

Day 72 – Wednesday, March 13th – Technically, this photo was taken the next day but we just got home from Urgent Care. Since I was still trying to get into bed, I counted as this day. Jason and Roxy were cuddled up and already deep asleep by the time I walked in the bedroom to crawl into bed.

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 11 - Day 73 - Look of Eye Morning After

Day 73 – Thursday, March 14th – While we were waiting for the eye exam the next morning, I took this photo to show his eye. It doesn’t look awful, especially compared to his last two. But the amount of blood in front and behind the eye was bad. Plus his vision hadn’t ever been quite affected like this one. Scary stuff.

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 11 - Day 74 - Paddy Hough Parade

Day 74 – Friday, March 15th – We got done with Jason’s Friday eye appointment and changing the oil in the car, finally, to be able to attend the Paddy Hough Parade. We had never gone but our neighbors had invited us so we were able go to that at least. It was cute. Afterwards, we met up with them for an unexpected lunch and it was quite fun.

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 11 - Day 76 - Sunny Day

Day 76 – Sunday, March 17th – It was such a beautiful clear day and semi-warm. While the temperature did say it was 66, it was windy and for me it made it colder and hard to deal with. Plus with Jason on semi bed rest we couldn’t do a whole lot anyway.

2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 11 - Day 77 - Roxy Steals the Sheets

Day 77 – Monday, March 18th – When Daddy folded down the sheets to crawl into bed, Roxy thought it was a perfect place to curl in for a good sleep. She was so cute that I couldn’t help capture a photo.

How was your week? Hopefully it was better than ours.

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