2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 25
Color me disappointed again. While gathering 2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 25, I realized that I had missed a day of the last week. How did this happen? I was on such a great streak getting all seven days of the week to share a single photo from it.
Alas, I am back down to my average six photos for the last week. And truly they are not that interesting but I have them to share with you all today.
Now let’s take a little peek at our last week in photos.
2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 25

Day 169 – Tuesday, June 18th – I was gifted a bunch of these cold brews from Java House and let me tell you they are amazingly good and so easy! For the cold brew, just open and pour over ice adding in 8oz water. That is it. Doctor up as you want, I put creamer in to flavor it up. Seriously though, I am love with them. I also tried them hot and while good they are much better as cold. Yum! You gotta get yourself some.
Day 171 – Thursday, June 20th – Just a cute little sleepy girl.
Day 172 – Friday, June 21st – Just Roxy making friends at Trap Door Brewing for our anniversary outing.
Day 173 – Saturday, June 22nd – Just my library book sale haul. Our library has a huge summer book sale each year around our anniversary. I kept telling myself I didn’t need to go, I had a lot of to-be-read books already. Well, I couldn’t help myself. It makes me so excited to go there and explore and come home with a butt load of books. All this was only $14! Feel my excitement?
Day 174 – Sunday, June 23rd – Roxy and I cuddling while I do some morning reading. Was determined to finish my sponsored book of Paranoid by Lisa Jackson this day and I did. Thank goodness. It was so good though, you gotta go pick it up. It’s available now!
Day 175 – Monday, June 24th – Just a little brownie in a mug. If you haven’t tried the boxed brownie in a cup yet, you need to. They are really good. which was shocking to me.
How was your week?