Make Your Dogs Treat Time Insanely Better With a Twist
There is nothing that Roxy loves more than a little playtime and a little treat time. Isn’t that the case with most dogs? I think so! But wait, what if I told you can combine the two now? Make your dogs treat time insanely better with a twist! Curious? Keep reading.
This post is sponsored by JW Twist-In Treats but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
Let’s start off by saying Roxy is very picky about what she eats and even plays with. Normally you can’t get her to touch hard treats or hard rubber playthings. Usually, you’d find her sniffing them and walking the other way.
Surprisingly, the JW Twist-In Treats was a whole different story. Completely surprising Jason and myself.
Want to learn more about it now? Come on in and let’s discuss.
Make Your Dogs Treat Time Insanely Better With a Twist
Ever curious to what is inside packages, wrapping paper, and other things – she’ll stick her nose in there and sniff what is hiding inside. And yes, she even unwraps her own Christmas gifts.
When the JW Twist-In Treats arrived, I was, of course, wondering if she’d even take to it because of the reasons I listed above. It was a promising feat when I pulled out the package and she was sniffing the treat aggressively through the package. It was chicken flavored and she was all over it wanting it now. To be noted, there are also bacon flavored refills.
At the time I tried to get the treat into the Twist-In Treat and couldn’t get it in myself even though it’s easy enough to do. Just twist the treat in from 1 to 3 levels, 1 being the easiest and 3 the hardest. Waiting until Daddy to get home so he could fill the treat with a twist.
Daddy got home and we eagerly got the treat into the rubber holder and put it at the easiest level of 1. Because this is Roxy and she has a short attention span for the most part.
She quickly started licking it and once we put it down on the floor for her, off to the races she went to try and eat the yummy smelling chicken-flavored treat. Spending quite a bit of time, especially for her, on trying to get as much of the treat out as she could.
Now she didn’t succeed at getting the full treat itself out. Though she did get quite a few bites that she enjoyed greatly and kept going for more. Just take a little peek at the video below and you’ll see her great excitement and success.
Without a doubt, even if you have a picky dog like mine. Head on over and pick up a JW Twist-In Treat and make your dogs treat time insanely better.
Times to Use the JW Twist-In Treat
- Movie Time, with a Twist – – want to enjoy a movie but your dog tends to want to try and hog all the attention? Pop in a treat and let them go to town while you enjoy the movie or TV show.
- Making Dinner, with a Twist – if your dog is anything like mine, they want to be involved when it comes anything to do with food. Twist in a treat and let them go to town on it while you make and eat dinner.
- Friends or Family Over, with a Twist – having company and your dog is just as social as you are, maybe more so? Twist in a treat and keep them happy while guest settle in.
Please remember that when dogs are eating/playing with treats like this to provide plenty of water. And supervise them while they eat it.
How do you see using this fun treat to make dogs treat time insanely better? I want to hear your ideas. Twist it up!