2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 34
All that is coming in my mind as I sit here and type up this 2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 34 is the song; “It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day its a new life for me and I’m feeling good”. I have this whole new recharge thinking about working and I don’t know where it’s coming from. I am loving it though.
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Yesterday was a different story though. I had such heavy anxiety and I don’t even know where it was sprouting from. Sprouting it did though. Holy heck, it was a tough day. But as the song goes, it’s a new day!
With this last week of photos, to get a little glimpse at our average life, I happily captured all seven days.
Care to take a look?
2019 Catch the Moment 365 Week 34
Day 232 – Tuesday, August 20th – A little reading while being at soccer for two games. This book was good though, fun and easy to read. Last Bite by Nancy Verde Barr.
Day 233 – Wednesday, August 21st – My sweet baby girl. Just her taking a late-night snooze on the pillow I was using earlier.
Day 234 – Thursday, August 22nd – Spent the day at Alderbrook Park for an event and we had so much fun. I feel this is a hidden park and is kind of amazing. Check out my short Local Tuesday spotlight on Instagram about it.
Day 235 – Friday, August 23rd – Our first-ever Hello Fresh meal. It was so tasty and so easy. If you’d like to try it yourself and why not? You can save $40 on your first box – here.
Day 236 – Saturday, August 24th – Just another wild evening of working on my jigsaw puzzle. Fyi, Friday also had the same excitement. This one is called Lazy Days by MasterPieces.
Day 237 – Sunday, August 25th – Just a random flower outside our fence. Which I am pretty sure is a weed, but a pretty weed at that.
Day 238 – Monday, August 26th – Sunday we worked all afternoon in the front area here. Which includes Roxy’s princess castle. It looks so different and she looks so teeny tiny in it. I wish it connected at the top there but still, amazing difference.
How was your week?