
When You Seek Beauty Around Seattle in the Big GMC Yukon

The only thing I knew for sure what was happening for this little getaway, July 19th to the 21st, was the Portland Timbers at Seattle Sounders game. That was my main purpose for asking for a car to adventure in but also knew that wouldn’t tell much of a story with the car included. It was time to think outside the box a bit. Time to seek beauty around Seattle in the big GMC Yukon.

This post is partially sponsored by GMC. As they loaned us the 2019 GMC Yukon SLT XL for the purpose of our adventures. However, all thoughts and photos are 100% my own.

There was a lot of trying to plan and things falling through for this little getaway. At one point, we were just going to go up Sunday and watch the game and come home. Thankfully, that isn’t what ended up happening and we did get a bit of adventuring in.


When You Seek Beauty Around Seattle in the Big GMC Yukon

There is a big soccer rivalry between the Seattle Sounders and Portland Timbers. Jason, of course living in Portland area loves the Portland Timbers and Brent, his cousin, living in the Seattle area loves the Seattle Sounders. Brent has season tickets and knows people to get seats and other fun stuff. So there was talk of Brent getting Jason to the rivalry game up in Seattle, which was July 21st. I kept harping on Jason that he needs to check-in and see what is happening there. He would text and only find out bits and nothing to actually help plans move forward. Me, having gotten the car for the trip, kept trying to figure out what the plan was. I tried to get us a little getaway on one of the islands for Friday and Saturday but that didn’t quite work out either.

Finally, the weekend before I just messaged Jackie, Brent’s wife, to try and figure it out. Thankfully, together we figured it all out and yes we were both drove insane by Brent & Jason’s lack of communicating and planning.

Driving up to Seattle, Friday, July 19th

The 2019 GMC Yukon SLT XL got dropped off to us Friday morning and I couldn’t believe how long it was. I was completed terrified at driving it myself, let alone parking it. Parking and I are not the best of friends. It sure was pretty though and I was excited to see what little nooks and gadgets we’d find in this Yukon SLT XL. While also being super excited to get photos with the beauty of Seattle as the backdrop in the GMC Yukon!

2019 Big GMC Yukon - Arrival

Before we left Friday after Jason got home from work. Roxy and I went off to Petsmart. Driving it felt weird. I felt even littler than I am while also feeling big if that makes any sense. Loved that the GMC Yukon XL had programmed driver seats. It makes it so much easier to switch between Jason and me driving. We found a spot in the back of the parking lot and was surprised to find that I did a pretty good job parking.

Big GMC Yukon - Roxy Ready

After that, I had to drop back off Roxy to the house because it was way too hot to leave her in the car. I had to do a quick run to Fred Meyer before Jason got home too. When I parked at Fred Meyer, I thought I had parked fairly well until I came back out and realize that I had gone over the one line on the other side of me, dangit!

Leaving in a GMC Yukon for Seattle…

Hurried back home to finish packing up and get ready to leave once Jason got home from work.

We were staying with Jason’s Aunt Kim up in Kenmore Friday and Saturday and heading back home Sunday after the game. I would normally capture a photo of the cargo space full with our stuff. Honestly, though, there wasn’t that much stuff this go around. Since it was only two nights and we were staying with family, there wasn’t a huge need as there would normally be.

Friday wasn’t a lot to report, drove up easy peasy to Seattle/Kenmore area from here, Vancouver with no real problems. The seats in the Yukon were super comfortable and front seats were equipped with both cooling and heating. Even switching between heating just the back or heating the back and bum. Such a great comfort for any drive during any time of the year.

We arrived late at Aunt Kim’s after a later start then we imagined leaving from home. Chit chat and relaxing happened once we arrived and bedtime soon followed.

Ballard Locks on Saturday, July 20th

We had no real plans for this trip, at all. Which can be nice but can also be troubling when you don’t have anywhere in mind. Decided finally we’d venture over to Ballard Locks for a bit before meeting Brent and Jackie for dinner. I had read online it was dog-friendly, so seemed like the perfect fit since we were, of course, traveling with Roxy.

The idea was we’d get to see some pretty water and maybe find some great spots for pictures with the Yukon. A little advance notice, only one of those things happened.

Finding out the way to Ballard Locks was easy enough, however, the streets were in an utter mess of construction zone. Was super packed down there in addition to little space. Of course, it was a Saturday in the summer, but the construction was the surprise. Didn’t think we’d find anywhere to even park but we finally found one way back in a neighborhood. So of course, no real pictures to be taken with the Yukon.

But beautiful waterways and locks to be seen. While taking beautiful photos to share here…

Ballard Locks
Ballard Locks 2
Ballard Locks - Family
Ballard Locks 3
Ballard Locks 4
History of Ballard Locks

The Ballard Locks are officially called Hiram M. Chittenden Locks. It keeps separate the salty waters of the Puget Sound from the fresh waterways that connect to the locks.

Before the locks were built, there were mass amounts of planning and talk before construction even began. The first ship to pass through the locks wasn’t until August of 1916. Now the locks carry more boat traffic than any other in the USA.

Serving ships and pleasure boats, tourists, and has the Carl S. English Jr. Botanical Garden surrounding it.

Watch the cruise ship rise while it waited to cross… It happens so fast too. The rise of the water and the fall of the water.

Ballard Locks Cruise Ship Rise
Ballard Locks Cruise Ship Rise 2
Ballard Locks Cruise Ship Rise 3
Ballard Locks Cruise Ship Rise 4

Dinner meetup with Brent, Jackie and their daughter Holli. And more chit chat and relaxing end this day.

Alki Beach, Carnation, and Soccer Match, July 21st

Our last day in the Seattle and finally game time too. We had to leave after the game and head home because Jason had to work the following day. Granted he was able to come in later since we wouldn’t be getting in until way late.

We packed up and said our goodbyes to Aunt Kim and thanked her for letting us stay. Then headed over to Brent and Jackies for breakfast. Again we talked about what we wanted to do before the game time. Where we wanted to go to take some photos. I know nothing really about Seattle, at least places that would be good to go take photos with the Yukon. I was leaving it all in Brent & Jackie’s hands to take us to good places to get some fun photos.

After we ate, we loaded up in the Yukon, which was perfect for 5 people! I should have thought to get some photos of all of us in it. Brent set up front with Jason driving. Jackie & I set in the backseats, which are buckets and super comfortable as well. Holli sat in the third-row seat. Comfortable for 5 basically adult-sized people. The backseat buckets had air control and heated seats as well.

2019 Big GMC Yukon - Roxy CoPilot
2019 GMC Yukon Backseat Controls
Alki Beach

First, Brent directed Jason to Alki Beach. Which ended up being my favorite and can not wait to come back here and explore more in-depth and get more photos. While on Alki Beach you can see right across the sound to the Seattle skyline, which made for some fun photos.

While it was a hot day in Seattle and a great beach, it wasn’t super overly busy. And there were so many cute shops to explore in this area too. I think though I got some pretty and fun photos even if they were not perfect.

The big GMC Yukon was hard to capture because it was so big. I think though we were able to capture some of its beauty with the Seattle skyline.

2019 GMC Yukon SLT XL - Seattle Skyline Background - Alki Beach
2019 GMC Yukon SLT XL - Seattle Skyline Background - Alki Beach 2
Alki Beach View of Seattle
2019 GMC Yukon SLT XL -Alki Beach
Us on Alki Beach
Alki Beach
Carnation Area

After we looped through Alki Beach and some other downtown areas. We made our way to the Carnation area, where Brent grew up and was able to get some fun photos with fields in the background. Again, these are not my best car photos but it had some great background to play in.

Big GMC Yukon in Carnation
Big GMC Yukon in Carnation
Carnation Farm

Game Time

We arrived at the stadium somewhat early because it was possible we’d be able to get in early and get a special tour. Brent’s friend though didn’t get there in time and so that didn’t happen.

It was still a fun game. Where I got my people-watching in and Jason got his sport watching done. We had good seats and a great view. I kind of wish I had bothered to bring my big girl camera to get some good shots. We’ll just do with these little few.

2019 Seattle Sounders vs Portland Timbers
2019 Seattle Sounders vs Portland Timbers 2
2019 Seattle Sounders vs Portland Timbers 3
2019 Seattle Sounders vs Portland Timbers 4

In case you were wondering and don’t watch sports – – the Portland Timbers beat the Seattle Sounders.

We headed home after heading back to Brent & Jackie’s house to pick up Roxy and our Yukon. We didn’t get home until 1 am or so. It was worth it though and we had a great time.

Hopefully, the big GMC Yukon enjoyed its little adventure with us. Do you all have any questions about where we visited or the 2019 GMC Yukon SLT XL?

Stay tuned next week and I’m going do another story with the Yukon and a bit more information about it!


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