Exposing My Truth of Feeling Invisible
She grabbed her cloak and tied it around her neck. Flipping the hood over her head and she was ready to head outside. She wore the cloak to make herself invisible when venturing out in the world. When you are filled with awkwardness, you sometimes want that feeling invisible to move about the world. The cloak was helpful in many ways.
Observing the world and being with the people without making herself feel vulnerable was amazing.
Then there were times when she left her cloak at home and was ready to be “seen” by the people. Yet, when she left her cloak at home and was visible to the world, why does she still have herself feeling invisible?
Exposing My Truth of Feeling Invisible
It’s not only in the real world that I have been feeling invisible but it’s also in my online world that I have been feeling it. I feel like I am walking around my with my cloak 24/7.
For me, it feels like it started last year with my health scare. After my two-three months of very little posting, I don’t feel I gained back my visibility. No matter what I try or what path I take, my views are still down in the dumps. Not just in my Angie’s Angle world of business but also my personal world.
Posting a question on my personal facebook used to get at least a few responses and helpful comments. Now I post something and I wonder who is even seeing it. Why do I feel like I am dragging this cloak around with me now and can’t leave it behind?
Blog World – Angie’s Angle
As mentioned above, my blog numbers fell with not posting August through September – or rather only posting once or twice during that time. Since that though, I’ve worked hard on building back up the numbers and they just won’t move. No matter how much I share or how much I post, the numbers are stuck. I am so frustrated. Especially since this is what I consider my full-time job.
I just keep hoping that at some point, I’ll get a stream of traffic and it’ll stay around for a bit. I am hoping I can be “seen” again. The thought process is I just keeping doing what I love and they’ll come.
It’s not even the blog itself I am struggling with though.
Instagram – it’s doing weird things and a lot of that is Instagram changing up their ways and you have to bend towards them. I am trying to bend but each post only getting shown to like 200 people is pretty heartbreaking.
Twitter and Facebook – are actually doing okay. Not great, but they keep moving along. Twitter isn’t my favorite and I do it because I have to. Facebook though I still enjoy and can sometimes get some good interaction there.
Personal Life
Even my personal life, I feel like I am under the cloak and it’s just not getting removed. There was a dear friend that I am pretty sure just dropped me out of their life, I don’t know why even. And in general, I feel lonely and no one wants anything to do with me.
That is harsh sounding but it’s how I feel. Sometimes I don’t even think Jason wants to be around me. Again, I know a lot is in my head and the way I take things. But it is how I feel.
Above I mentioned posting to facebook gets me zero interaction to the majority of the time. I need interaction in my life.
I think I personally need that interaction more because I do work at home alone. Plus we know how I am in person anyway for a long time, so that is my social interaction in general.
Removing the Cloak
Any idea how to remove the cloak? At least some of the time. Truthfully, I still need it once in a while. It’s my comfort and how I can at least dip my foot into interaction.
The blog, I am pretty sure I just need to keep typing and keep being me. It’ll come around at some point. I just hope that it’s sometime soon.
Personal? I haven’t a clue…
How Can You Help?
Personal or just online – it doesn’t matter how you know me. Ways to interact to help me feel less invisible and lonely is super easy. Random messages (text, dm, message – whatever is your jam but phone calls!) all do the heart good.
Instagram – find me. Follow me. Like my photos, leave a comment. Share a post. Watch my stories. Set up notifications so you can see each time I post – just click under follow me on my insta profile and you can click notifications for posts or stories, or both. FYI, I’ve been posting at least once a day on my feed and I am loving it. While also trying to keep my instastories always active.
Facebook – one of my favorite ways to interact. Of course, I’m only sharing my blog fb page. But the same holds true if you are on my personal page. Posting here for me is random but I am trying to be better about posting here daily.
Twitter – Follow Me. See one of my tweets, retweet it. Visit the link inside the tweet.
Blog – of course visiting the blog helps so much. The more views I have, the better. Share a post. Comment on a post. Want to follow my blog and make sure you know when I post a new post? Follow me on Bloglovin or sign up for emails with the RSS feed.
Pinterest & YouTube – Follow me. Repin things you see from me. As for videos, like them, share them. I am new to video, so be kind but I am trying.
Let me be seen. Make me feel seen.