
2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 11

You won’t hear me saying much about what is going around us right now besides it being weird and yes even scary time. Otherwise, I am over here and on my social media, just trying to keep it light. Light and somewhat “normal”. I don’t know about you, but I get overwhelmed with ALL the news of it, everywhere. So with this 2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 11, I have all seven days to show you.

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I am pretty proud of myself for lately getting all seven days. They might not be super interesting but they are all here.

This last week was books, Roxy, and deep cleaning. Prepping to stay home more and eat here more. What was last week for you?

Without further ado, a little peek at our last week.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 11

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 11 - Day 71 - Books for Dentist Office

Day 71- Wednesday, March 11th – Jason had a dentist appointment to fill a filling. The books I brought because I was almost done with the top one. Just in case I finished that one I had my next one with me. The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay – was not great but it wasn’t horrible. Upcoming – Shipwrecks of the Pacific Northwest by Maritime Archaeological Society.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 11 - Day 72 - Clean Chest Freezer

Day 72 – Thursday, March 12th – Originally we had been going to use the older stuff in our deep chest freezer. Once we used it all, we were going to deep clean it to refill. With everyone going on, I axed using it all and got it deep cleaned so we could go get meat. Sure was nice results and wasn’t hard at all.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 11 - Day 73 - Photograph Props Found at World Market

Day 73 – Friday, March 13th – World Market has some of the best blogging/photography prop things. I found these in just my last two visits. Loving that tray especially.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 11 - Day 74 - Spaghetti Mickey Dinner

Day 74 – Saturday, March 14th – When your husband hands you Mickey Mouse spaghetti!

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 11 - Day 75 - Pink Clouds

Day 75 – Sunday, March 15th – The pink sky that was happening didn’t quite come through on the photos I tried to take. You can see a bit of it in this one at least. It was so pretty.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 11 - Day 76 - Shipwrecks

Day 76 – Monday, March 16th – Finished this free advance reader copy and so enjoyed it. It was an easy read, yet so interesting and the human element was amazing woven in. Giveaway for your very own copy should be coming soon! Stay tuned. Shipwrecks of the Pacific Northwest by Maritime Archaeological Society.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 11 - Day 77 - Roxy and Her Possum

Day 77 – Tuesday, March 17th – When Auntie sends you a present. It’s this weird looking possum that is truly kind of scary. I wasn’t sure what she’d think but she chewed on the doll-like hands and killed it, so she liked it!

How was your week?

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