
2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 17

The good news is that I got all seven days for this 2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 17! The good news is also that I got two giveaways up this week and have plans for some regular posts next week. The bad news is that the brain still isn’t wanting to really work, dang 2020!

All I can do is keep trying and hope I can breathe a little easier soon and the ideas will start flowing a bit better and freely. It’s supposed to be super rainy and chilly tomorrow, so I am hoping that’ll be my major work time.

In the meantime, we always have the Catch the Moment series. Not super exciting all the time but at least consistent. I like consistent at least.

A little summary of this last week? Food, flowers, and love! Curious? Keep scrolling and see a little peep at our last week.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 17

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 17 - Day 113 - Upstairs Break for Heat

Day 113 – Wednesday, April 22nd – It was chilly downstairs, so we moved upstairs. I didn’t feel like fighting to try to start a fire and we are out of heating oil, so upstairs it was. Where our little portable heater heats up the room so nicely.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 17 - Day 114 - Nummy Coffee

Day 114 – Thursday, April 23rd – You know just a little extra on my coffee this morning because I could. It was so pretty looking though.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 17 - Day 115 - Roses in New Bunch

Day 115 – Friday, April 24th – Went out and picked some lilacs from our yard. While I repurposed the roses from my other bunch of flowers because the roses were still good while the other flowers in it were yucky. I think it turned out so pretty.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 17 - Day 116 - Brunch

Day 116 – Saturday, April 25th – Just a little brunch Jason fixed up. It was super yummy too.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 17 - Day 117 - Strawberries and Nutella

Day 117 – Sunday, April 26th – And just a little brunch I threw together. Put the strawberries on toasted bread with a little Nutella. It was so darn good.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 17 - Day 118 - Surprise Gifts from Sissy

Day 118 – Monday, April 27th – Just a little surprise gift love from my sissy poo. I love the Hawaii bookmark. So unique.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 17 - Day 119 - Yellow Roses are Blooming

Day 119 – Tuesday, April 28th – My yellow rose bush is starting to bloom big time. And it’s going super nuts everywhere. I tried to see about trimming it up some but everywhere there was blooms coming. Ooops.

How was your week?

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