
2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 29

What can I say? This week was once again full of reading, eating, and Roxy because that is where we were at. Little energy, headaches, worry. You know my normal recipes. I am hopeful that August will find us a bit of adventure again. For now, though I give you 2020 Catch the Moment 366 week 29!

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Don’t let me forget though I still want/need to do a full blog post about our anniversary camping trip last month. It will be up much later than I hoped, darn vet appointments overly worried July anyway. I did get a short little video up that I plan to put in my full blog post. But you can check it out, here. I think it’s pretty cute.

Now for this week, ready?

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 29

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 29 - Day 197 - New Book Morning

Day 197 – Wednesday, July 15th – We all know I love new book mornings. This Stephen King was short and sweet. Liked it quite a bit though it was a bit odd. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 29 - Day 198 - Quick Bite at Taco Spaceship

Day 198 – Thursday, July 16th – Quick stop for some tacos from Taco Spaceship and share a beer from Fortside! We were getting Roxy to her follow-up appointment for her eye, so didn’t have a lot of time. Mask from Mask Market!

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 29 - Day 199 - My Baby

Day 199 – Friday, July 17th – Just my sweet girl napping.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 29 - Day 200 - Trying to Boost Mood

Day 200 – Saturday, July 18th – Trying to improve my mood by sitting in the sunshine with my current book. It may have worked a tiny bit but not enough. Finished up The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon!

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 29 - Day 201 - Snack Time

Day 201 – Sunday, July 19th – Snack and recharge time. That Zevia tea was pretty darn good too. And I love my popcorn with that seasoning. Yum! Pretty good little time out. All Summer Long by Dorothea Benton Frank. Kernel Season’s Nacho Cheddar seasoning.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 29 - Day 202 - Look What I Won

Day 202 – Monday, July 20th – Look what came in the mail! I won this little wonder and couldn’t be more excited. Congrats again, Matt!! Pacific Northwest Hiking – we can’t wait to use some of these amazingly put together hikes.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 29 - Day 203 - Better Looking Eye

Day 203 – Tuesday, July 21st – First morning that I was pretty sure her eye was healing/healed. Just took a couple swipes to unglue her eye and full wide eye look at me. Nothing the following mornings. What a relief.

How was your week?

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