My 4 Tips for Great Inside Air

It’s time for the cozy season, everyone. I love the cozy season, and with that decided October around here would be centered around all things cozy. You have to remember that everything in the home is more closed up and we need to ensure that our inside air is excellent. Today I’ll be sharing my 4 tips for great inside air. This is my first Our House segment for this month and I am excited to share several of them with you all this month of Cozy October.

Thanks to AirFree & AirThreads for sending me free products to try out, in turn helping sponsor this post. All thoughts and pictures are 100% my own. Post below may contain Amazon Affiliate links, which aan Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

You can personally do so many different things to help your inside air; today is just four that I thought about and wanted to share. I would love for you to add a few more of your ideas in the comments below.  

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My 4 Tips for Great Inside Air

I bet you all were much like me and didn’t give much thought to the air in your own home. Do you realize, though, just how helpful clean air in your home can be to you and your family? From staying more healthy to just having a pleasant smell when you (or visitors) enter your home. No one wants to walk into a stinky house. These four tips should help you achieve all the above with ease.

1. Tips for Great Inside Air – Air Purifier

Placing an air purifier in your home is an easy thing to do. Said to be a natural solution to asthma, respiratory allergies, and mold. Helping clear the air of dust mites, bacteria, fungi, viruses, pollen, allergens of domestic animals, and other microorganisms from the air.

The Airfree Iris 3000 I received is completely silent and yet does wonders for your air. It is so quiet you have to wonder if it is on. But it does have a nightlight you can turn on and off, and the top gets warm. The warmth at the top is the only way I know it’s on and running.

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With being able to clean up to 650 sq ft., the Airfree Iris 3000 was the perfect addition to our master bedroom. Waking up with fewer headaches and stuffy noses has been heaven-sent.  

There are several different Airfree models that you can pick out that fit the square feet you need for a room. Check out more about them here.

2. Dusting

It may seem simple, but a simple dusting of your home helps keep the air clean with ease. You don’t need any real product; a simple micro cloth does the job alone, like these here. Make sure to keep up on dusting, and your air will thank you.

3. Air Filter

Do you realize how much air filters through your home through the HVAC filter? How often do you think about changing it? Likely not very often, and anytime you do think about changing it, you don’t have any new ones on hand. Right?

Why not make it easy on yourself by buying an AirThreds filter. With purchasing the AirThreds filter, all you need to do is put together the frame, pop it inside the pillowcase looking thing, and pop into the filter area of your HVAC system. Easy.

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But do you know what is even better? You unzip, pull out the frame, and throw in the washer and dryer as needed. Repeat. No more needing to buy new filters and remembering to put them in. Think about it – pull it out, wash dry, and put back. What could be easier?

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It is course cleaning your air with ease anytime your system is on.

4. Indoor Plants

I have asked my Facebook friends many times over what are easy indoor house plants to have. I do not have a green thumb. Yet, I know how much they help the air in your home.

Did you know that the snake plant does the best at keeping your air clean? Which is why I picked up one of those to add to our house. Most plants only clean the air during the day, but what makes the snake plant even better is that it can filter the air at night. So daily cleaning is done by the snake plant without even thinking about it. Adding in, it’s a hardy succulent, making it even better to add to our home for this non-green thumb gal.

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I also picked up a jade plant (which I have heard is hands-off care, perfect), and a golden pothos (also told it’s hardy and doesn’t take much from me).

Those are the 4 tips for great inside air. With minimal effort on your part. Perfect, right? What item will you be adding to your home first? Remember to leave a comment below on your ways to keep the air inside your house clean. We want to learn them all.

Thanks to AirFree & AirThreds for the great products, I am happy to have added the two products to my home. Please remember to check them out and see how they’d fit in your home today.

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