
2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 6

Life is so hard sometimes. If it’s not one thing, it’s another; it seems like. I am ready for an even balance to give myself some grace already. I am hopeful that will be coming soon, and I can feel calm for a bit again. But for now, I am stressed and anxiety-filled. I am sure it’ll be fine. This 2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 6 I am sharing is a bunch of randomnesses, which is kind of fun.

Post below may contain affiliate links, which I may receive a kickback if you order through the provided link at no extra cost to you.

I am not sure what else I’ll be posting this week, but I am hopeful that something will come to mind so I can get at least one or two posts out. I need to find some creative juices again already; it would help. If you ever have an idea for a blog post, please let me know. I’d love to get moving again at a regular pace.

As for this week, it’s pretty boring and normal but as I said random. A little bit of this and a little bit of that.

Care to see it though?

2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 6

Overcome That Midday Collapse-4

Day 36 – Friday, February 5th – Was getting ready to make some iced tea with the yummy Focus tea by Prosperatea. You can see my full sponsored post about how to overcome that midday collapse.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 6 - Day 37 - Cute Deer

Day 37 – Saturday, February 6th – Roxy had her six-month check-up at the vet, and it’s now always a drop-off visit. So Jason and I took a drive. He took a chance to go by the farm he goes by sometimes during work to see if they were out. And indeed they were. They kept watching us thinking we were going to bring them food. He says lots of people do when they come to see them. They were cute!

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 6 - Day 39 - Cutest Jacket

Day 37 – Monday, February 8th – I had a filling at the dentist and Jason had a paid holiday. Which meant a few errands after my appointment. I put this cute sweatshirt Roxy got for Christmas on her so she could go with. It’s a little small for her but still cute.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 6 - Day 40 - Dermae Products

Day 38 – Tuesday, February 9th – I love the Derma-E boxes I get for being an ambassador. I’ve tried all three of these in the past and love them, so I know without a doubt you’d like them too. Shop their Purifying line of products.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 6 - Day 41 - Walky Walk

Day 39 – Wednesday, February 10th – Roxy and I did a quick errand and then I forced myself on a walk with her after. It was such a nice sunny day but cold. I knew that it was predicted we were getting hit with winter weather the next day, so wanted to take a tiny advantage before that.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 6 - Day 42 - Night Snow Look

Day 40 – Thursday, February 11th – I love how even a little bit of snow lights up the night. It’s my favorite.

How was your week?

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