
2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10

Honestly, I am still tired. Not nearly as tired as I was in December and January, thankfully. But I still have days where I can’t function without a nap. It’s better, at least, which I am happy about. This 2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 found us on our daily walks when I pushed myself out there and little splashes of the boring stuff too.

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I love catching little signs of Spring showing around here. Being able to photograph flowers again makes my heart so happy, plus they are so fun to share with you all. There are a few flowers this week and, of course, my baby girl, Roxy. Even signs of the sun. Yay sunshine. I can’t wait for normal walks. I can’t push myself to walk if it’s cold out. Anyone else?

For now, though, want to see the six photos I happened to capture for this last week? Yes, I missed a day. Because we were out looking for furniture, which was not successful at all. Then had a quick bite for a late lunch/early dinner. After that, I knocked out on the couch. So missing a day but still a full week, I think. Take a look-see?

2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 10 - Day 64 - Evening Cuddles are the Best

Day 64 – Friday, March 5th – I am guessing this is a little late-night shot of puppy cuddles because I realized I hadn’t taken a photo throughout the day. This is how most evenings end with us. And, of course, begin, which you already knew.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 10 - Day 66 - Paperwhite Reading Time

Day 66 – Sunday, March 7th – Once again, same as yesterday, a late-night shot because I realized not a single photo was taken before it. Getting ready to crawl into bed and read my kindle. I love my paperwhite and still am totally in love with my tree love cover.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 10 - Day 67 - These are Cute

Day 67 – Monday, March 8th – I spotted this on our way back from our walk. These are actually just straight across the street from us and I fell in love. Aren’t they cute?

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 10 - Day 68 - Roast Beef Dinner

Day 68 – Tuesday, March 9th – Threw a roast into the instant pot and it turned out fine. But I think I found out even though I love the idea behind roasts, I am just not fan of the meat itself. The potatoes were perfection though.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 10 - Day 69 - Pretty Flower

Day 69 – Wednesday, March 10th – Peek of a beautiful flower. I had a good long walk this day because it was sunny and actually felt warm, which was heaven. Plus, my last latest blood work came in, and I was all good, which was a good feeling.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 10 - Day 70 - Sunbathing Little Gal

Day 70 – Thursday, March 11th – My sweet baby girl found a nice sun patch for some morning sunbathing. I love it when she sunbathes.

How was your week?

P.S. I actually have one post planned for this week and I am pretty excited to have something. I love adding new ideas to post about so I don’t feel so drained on what to post. As always, if you have any ideas please drop them below. I love doing All About Me Fridays and miss them – so especially if you have some ideas there. Thanks 🙂

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