
2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 9

I’ve been trying to be good at moving more. Which means I’ve been trying hard to take daily walks of at least twenty minutes. This last week I did grand on doing that, which means many of the photos are nature shots. Spring is starting to show itself, and it’s exciting. With this 2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 9, you see that plus, of course, Roxy!

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Happily, I had a pretty mellow week, which was nice since February was so filled with appointments. I took advantage of the downtime. And I officially announced my pregnancy on the blog as well, after announcing it on Instagram the weekend before. Times are changing, and it’s scary but hopefully just as good.

Now for a little peek at our last week. Ready?

2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 9

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 9 - Day 57 - I sit High to See Out the Other Window

Day 57 – Friday, February 26th – She cracks me up so much. Roxy realized she could sit on this perch and see out the dining room windows as well, so she was taking advantage of that this morning.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 9 - Day 58 - All Soft and Clean

Day 58 – Saturday, February 27th – A soft and clean baby girl. I’m not too fond of her stains that come from her eyes at times; they drive me nuts. They make her face look so dirty.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 9 - Day 59 - Dinner Out at Feral House

Day 59 – Sunday, February 28th – After we announced our pregnancy on Instagram, we took a long walk, which was lovely. While on our walk, we decided to eat out and stopped in at Feral Public House, which was fantastically yummy.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 9 - Day 60 - Morning Cuddles

Day 60 – Monday, March 1st – Welcoming in March with morning cuddles and reading time. And also the sun, which is always welcome. Those Girls by Chevy Stevens was so good. As is Chevy Stevens in general, you gotta grab it.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 9 - Day 61 - Loved This

Day 61 – Tuesday, March 2nd – On one of our walks, I ran across this. Isn’t it interesting and pretty? It’s in a tree stump too. I wonder if someone did this or just happened naturally?

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 9 - Day 62 - Flowers are Showing

Day 62 – Wednesday, March 3rd – So pretty!

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 9 - Day 63 - Holding Hands

Day 63 – Thursday, March 4th – Holding hands with my sweetie. She doesn’t let me do this often but allowed me the pleasure this evening.

How was your week?

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