
2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 29

The deep tiredness is back, y’all. And because of that, I am even having a harder time getting any work done. Naps are needed most days once again. Though I’ll admit, this tired is much different than the first trimester tired, not nearly as bad. On top of that tired, my Mom passed away, so I am have been trying to deal with that and her estate things the best I can, many miles away and very pregnant. Honestly, this is probably the only thing that will be around the blog for a bit. And I still missed days with this 2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 29. Taking photos is not at the top of my head right now.

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On top of that deep tired & dealing with my Mom’s estate, we have a much more achy 37-week pregnant body. It hurts to walk most of the time, and my belly aches no matter what position I try to take. Just so much to take in and try to deal with.

Even though I missed days for this last week, I did happen to capture five of the last seven days. So that is pretty good, I think. Of course, they are not super interesting photos but still, something to show a few of our days last week.

Care to see the photos for the last week?

2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 29

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 29 - Day 197 - Flowers

Day 197 – Friday, July 16th – I have the sweetest friends. I told my Facebook people that my Mom had passed away, and these arrived for me from long-time friends. They smelled so good and were so pretty to boot!

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 29 - Day 198 - Saturday Breakfast

Day 198 – Saturday, July 17th – A little Saturday brunch at home. French toast with fresh berries and a little side of sausage.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 29 - Day 199 - Dress Belly

Day 199 – Sunday, July 18th – We were heading out for a little family gathering, and my belly just looked huge while I was sitting waiting. The photo didn’t capture it well, but it was all the photos I took, so we went with it. Wearing the one dress I grabbed for maternity wear.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 29 - Day 200 - Little Black Dress

Day 200 – Monday, July 19th – Grandma got little girl her first little black dress. Isn’t it super cute?

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 29 - Day 203 - Truck Owie

Day 203 – Thursday, July 22nd – This poor truck had a major owie. From what we gathered, it happened while he was parked here. Someone hit him and ran. The ONE time, I am not home to see what happened. Dang, doctor appointment.

How was your week?

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