
2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 30

It’s the final countdown, guys. At the same time, my body and mind are feeling it. Baby is coming soon, and I feel in no way prepared. While also still trying to find a lawyer to get my Mom’s probate started. Overwhelmed is an understatement at this point. Plus, a million other house things were supposed to have been started and done by this time. Yet, none of it has been. Pressure. Happily, though, I only missed one day for this 2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 30, which feels like a win under all this.

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Now, this last week wasn’t exciting, but truly that is what I have been needing. I had some pelvic pain/pressure that was super painful at times. So I read what I needed to do to lessen it. Which meant not doing quite a bit of the stuff I am used to doing on my own. Frustrating.

Plus, I know this is getting up super late this week. I don’t even know why exactly. I edited the pictures Monday with plans to post Tuesday. Not sure what happened there, but obviously, it didn’t happen. Wednesday, I had three back-to-back doctor appointments. So yea, here we are Thursday, finally getting up last’s weeks photos.

Ready to see them?

2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 30

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 30 - Day 205 - 36 Week Belly

Day 205 – Saturday, July 24th – Just taking progress pictures, here we have 36-weeks pregnant. I have to admit this pregnancy overall has been easy, but dang, I am scared of the end so much.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 30 - Day 206 - July Dermae Products

Day 206 – Sunday, July 25th – The newest box of goodies from Derma-e. I had used the Scar Gel before and liked it, but it didn’t seem to make my scare disappear like I was hoping. Still, great products, and I am excited to see how I can use them soon.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 30 - Day 207 - Mickey Mouse Spaghetti

Day 207 – Monday, July 26th – Just a little Mickey Mouse spaghetti with garlic toast.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 30 - Day 208 - My Little Human Dog

Day 208 – Tuesday, July 27th – Just my baby girl laying like a little human. I love her so.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 30 - Day 209 - Pouting Dog

Day 209 – Wednesday, July 28th – A pouting little girl while Daddy was off to soccer.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 30 - Day 210 - Vacuum Mocking Me

Day 210 – Thursday, July 29th – I read NOT to do a vacuum while having pelvic pain. Do you know how hard it was for me not to vacuum? I finally got Jason to do it, but he had to run to a job mid vacuuming. How this Shark LiftAway mocked me as it sat there, and I couldn’t do it. Oy.

How was your week?

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