
2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 41

Honestly, more than this, Catch the Moments are coming, I swear it. I am getting more of the hang of my daytime hours and am hoping that some of my brainpower and routine will come back into play. But, at least you are here for my 2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 41, and that is something. As the saying goes, something is better than nothing. And that is how I have been thinking lately with my work. So, little by little, I’ll get back into it.

Can you guess even before scrolling down what mainly takes up this week for photos? Come on; you know this answer…

At least the week starts slightly different, and it ends somewhat (only slightly here) differently. Ready to see what I did capture this week? And how has Lily grown?

2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 41

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 41 - Day 281 - Derame New Line

Day 281 – Friday, October 8th – I have loved being a Derma-e ambassador over the years – they give out the best boxes of goodies. This was a special box highlighting their new makeup line of goodies. That SPF powder there, my new fave! I am great about putting sunscreen on in the morning but don’t reapply at all as it tells you to do. It also hides my oily t-zone.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 41 - Day 282 - Cleaning in St Maries

Day 282 – Saturday, October 9th – We had to make a rapid trip to Idaho again Friday evening. Tim, who was living at my Mom’s after she passed, was placed in hospice. So we had to head over to change locks, and we started cleaning the house. We only stayed Friday and Saturday night, leaving Sunday late afternoon, yet we got a ton done. Lily was pretty darn good, getting mostly ignored while we tried to clean those days.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 41 - Day 283 - Last Feeding Before Leaving

Day 283 – Sunday, October 10th – Some cuddles after feeding before we left Idaho. Look at her tight fist.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 41 - Day 284 - You Got to Fight

Day 284 – Monday, October 11th – Lily says you got to fight, for your right, to party!

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 41 - Day 285 - You Cant See Me

Day 285 – Tuesday, October 12th – Yes, she is feeding here. I giggled because she was covering up with her hand. You couldn’t see her or me.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 41 - Day 286 - Say What

Day 286 – Wednesday, October 13th – Her expression in this photo cracked me up. What did you say, Willis?

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 41 - Day 287 - Trying to Work

Day 287 – Thursday, October 14th – I was trying to shard to get some work done. Lily and even Roxy had other ideas. I can’t precisely type very well with one hand.

How was your week?

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