2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45
Yes, here we are with yet another Catch the Moment 365. I have at least two posts in mind but haven’t gotten anywhere with them just yet. I am trying you all, trying so hard. Progress, I feel, keeps being made. Just a lot of behind-the-scenes progress and motivation. For this 2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45, it is again mostly Lily. But at this point I think, it is what it is.
Lots of cuddles and trying to get down routines for the week and first time being alert while going to Daddy’s soccer and just overall getting a handle on being a family of four instead of three. Plus, my very first writing gig outside of this blog, I’ll share the link in this post.
As always, your views, comments, and shares all help get my feet back under me and are greatly appreciated. I am happy I have been at least consistent with this series on the blog. It’s something. Keep scrolling for a view of our average week around here lately.
2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 45

Day 310 – Saturday, November 6th – Somehow, I missed the beginning of the week, so you start with Saturday. Here we are, just lounging as seems our normal. Lily only cares to sleep on me during the day, so you’ll find us here a lot. As you can tell, she is thinking hard about life.
Day 311 – Sunday, November 7th – A new day, basically the same position. Yes, yes, I told you, this is our full-day spot.
Day 312 – Monday, November 8th – Finishing up the post for Beachcombers NW. My first writing gig outside of my blog here, and boy, can I tell you I was a heck of nervous about sending the draft. It’s now live, though, and I think it turned out reasonably well. You can check out the post by visiting Northern Oregon Coast: Things to Do and See.
Day 313 – Tuesday, November 9th – A new day again, and daytime sleep is what you see. Isn’t her shirt cute, though?
Day 314 – Wednesday, November 10th – Chillin’ with Daddy at soccer. Usually, Daddy would be playing, but he was sidelined for a game because he got hurt the previous night. Lily was happy with this arrangement.
Day 315 – Thursday, November 11th – Daddy’s birthday and Daddy is reading Lily the perfect book – Why Daughters Need Daddies.
How was your week?