2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50
Merry Christmas! I know it’s late getting this up, but lately, my mind has been sluggish. And it doesn’t help our tree isn’t even decorated and Christmas presents aren’t even wrapped. This lateness is so not like us. Likely if Lily weren’t here, I wouldn’t even have bothered with a tree in general. I am just not feeling this Christmas at all. And that alone saddens me. I am trying, though, trying to get it all done. With this 2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50, I am sharing our last vacation and settling back at home.
It’s nice to have some other types of photos shown in this last week to share. A couple of sky shots, a Roxy cute one, and then Lily. Are you curious to see them? Keep scrolling and get this show on the road!
2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50

Day 344 – Friday, December 10th – My photo didn’t quite capture the darkness and the light with the snow that was going on here. It was so pretty. I wish my phone had captured it a bit more true to the contrasts that were going on.
Day 345 – Saturday, December 11th – Roxy was here first, but we laid Lily down before moving her to her bassinet, and they were so cute together.
Day 346 – Sunday, December 12th – We were making our way home with a few pit stops. This scene took my breath away. I didn’t quite capture the sun as well as I hoped, but I think this was the best of the bunch. So darn pretty. Snow sure makes some stunning photography.
Day 347 – Monday, December 13th – Lily got her first Christmas ornament from her Aunt Carmita and Uncle Butch. As you can tell, it was Lily approved.
Day 348 – Tuesday, December 14th – 4-month check up, done!
Day 349 – Wednesday, December 15th – We got the go-ahead to try some food with Lily. This was our first attempt. She thought the texture of the cereal was weird; she was much more interested in the spoon.
Day 350 – Thursday, December 16th – Silly Roxy!
How was your week?