One of My Troubles is My Fingers are Still Lost
I have seemed to have lost my fingers. Those fingers that used to like to fly across my keyboard and type up stories. These fingers kept me in work, gifted me jobs, and even filled my memories. Yet, I haven’t seen those fingers in a few years now, especially the last year. They like to peep out a few notable times, but they don’t stick around. Don’t these fingers know I need them? And they also need me? Unfortunately, my fingers are still lost.
These little fingers are staying hidden. They are not allowing me to tell stories, to feel like I am doing something again the world. The little lost fingers are not connecting with my brain. And honestly, I am not sure how to find them again and connect them to make them go. I desperately need them to join.
Today we’ll try to hash out how to find my fingers and make them go once again.

One of My Troubles is My Fingers are Still Lost
One of my troubles is that my fingers are still lost because I know that isn’t my only issue when it comes to writing. I would love to sweep my body and magically make it write again. Find my words and fill out the stories to draw you back into my little Angie’s Angle world. My soul feels a bit lost itself without my telling of stories. As if half of me is missing because I just can’t get motivated to tell the stories that need to be said. I desperately need to find my voice again.
Lily is almost nine months old, and while we have found a pretty solid routine in our daily life, I still haven’t found one to bring me back to writing. Yes, I at least do my weekly Catch the Moment 365, which is something but not nearly enough. You can see most of those on my Instagram stories daily. So why would you even want to look at my weekly wrap-up? I try to throw in pictures I don’t share there, so there is something new. And yes, I missed the last two weeks of posting even because we were all sick, and then I was trying to regain some energy. Plus, Xfinity was down a lot of that first week, and my phone data wasn’t playing nice either. So we’ll be back with that this coming week again.
So where do I go?
I thought maybe just airing my issues of finding my fingers again would help get the ball rolling. Perhaps just speaking loud with my voice and saying why I am having problems might allow me to move forward with writing regularly again.
I do have stories to tell.
I have a new Local Tuesday that I need to type up that I am so excited to share. Maybe with that, I can get back to that regular segment too. It’s been far too long since an excellent Local Tuesday story, and I am ready.
I want to do a full update on Lily. By sharing what products we’ve been using and loving thus far in life. Lily is such a good storyline, and I know there will be lots of stories to be told with her. And such a new twist around Angie’s Angle after all these years.
A unique heated blanket has been sitting here waiting for its story to be told. If only my mind would think of a way to craft the story on it.
House updates. Travel. Cars.
So much I want to get back to writing and sharing.
My brain feels in a fog when Lily lays down for a nap or rest. The energy to craft a post isn’t there as it should be. Maybe little posts like this could help me push through and find my rhythm again.
Lots of stories are waiting.
My fingers are still lost. How can you help me find them? Use them. Love them. Connect them.
Comment on what I do post. Share what I post. Leave ideas on what I can post about that you’d love. With your help, I know I can get back. Please help me find my little fingers again and mend my soul.