It’s that Time Again – My Memories Suite Giveaway Time!

I hosted a My Memories Suite giveaway almost a year ago, and I really think that is what propelled me out there to do other hosting and work more on my blog to be able to do more fun giveaways for you all.    I know I love giveaways & so was more then happy to have something fun to give away to you all.  Now I am more then a little excited to be able to give all of you yet another chance to win your very own My Memories Suite.

My Memories Suite Layout
One I just did for BzzAgent to showcase
different ways to stash the gum

Over the last year when I was able to snag one for myself by agreeing to be a part of their blogger/giveaway program, I have found that I use it for EVERYTHING.  I made my header you see on my webpage with it (with plans to make a new one soon with it).  I have used it to make recipe cards to give out for my Foster Farm Houseparty.  There are endless possibilities to what you can do with this program once you start playing with it and learning the My Memories Suite program.

My Memories Layout for Foster Farm Party
One of the recipe cards for the Foster Farm Houseparty

Throughout this giveaway I am going to be showcasing various things I have done with using the My Memories Suite program (which is just a digital scrapbook program, filled with so much more options), with a link back to this entry so you can enter to win!  There is also different free digital downloads at My Memories Suite that you can download, so make sure to check there often to get some free stuff to add in.

Even if you do not win this giveaway for the My Memories Suite, I have a special discount code for you:  STMMMS11858.  Enter that when you go to buy the My Memories Suite & you’ll get $10 off the Suite, believe me you are going to LOVE it and you are going to NEED it once you play with it.  I have it so handy for all the things I do online to earn money & for just for fun.

Entries I have done to showcase the different things you can do with My Memories Suite:

Make sure to fill out the rafflecopter below for your chances to win.  You’ll receive the My Memories Suite 3 free!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sharing is caring!