Thankful Thursday

I missed last week’s Thankful Thursday, I was running a blank & asked for some help from my facebook friends.  Got a few ideas and then just ran out of time in the day and decided to skip last week’s.  I am glad I only have a few more weeks of this because I am finding it harder and harder to think up five things for each week, even though I know there things that to be thankful for each and every day its hard to think of them once you sit down and write them for each week.  Without further ado, here are this week’s Thankfuls.

snagged from Pinterest – I take no rights to this photo/meme
  1. I am thankful for Groupon.  Silly as this one sounds, I found out that you can add gift cards in much like Amazon and save them to your account to use as you need them.  I found out several sites offer Groupon as a reward and Jason jokes that we’ll be able to do a big trip through Groupon soon and pay nothing personally.  I wouldn’t go that far, but it was a funny thought.  You can score some great deals through sites like Groupon, and it allows you do things on a budget.
  2. I am thankful for challenges.  Challenges such as those that MapMyRun offers help me get moving and have a purpose and goal.  I love goals/challenges, that make me feel accomplished and know what I need to get it done.  It has gotten me moving.  I just completed a 30 day challenge where each day I had to walk with Roxy for at least 15 minutes.  I was so giddy.  If I can get in 5 mile walk before Sunday I’ll have completed another challenge on there.  Obtaining all the badges for it.  Give me a challenge, and I am more then likely to feel like I need to get it done rather then want to.
  3. I am thankful for getting to know new people.  I know I probably had a similar one week’s ago as one of my other week’s Thankful.  I love meeting people, but you wouldn’t know it with how I act in person with being super quiet and preferring to be with Jason when doing so.  Quite a few people don’t understand me.  Loving social situations, but not acting like it outwardly.  It takes me so much damn time to get to know others and feel comfortable and it takes them allowing me to be me and making the effort to get to know me.  Which again why I love facebook so much.  Those that have gotten to know me there as well tend to understand me a bit more and be more willing to be patient with me and make those efforts.  Thank you!
  4. I am grateful for text & photo messages.  While I might not have a great phone to send some great pictures on and when someone sends me one sometimes its so small on my screen that I have to save it to my phone and open it to zoom in to see it better.  But I love getting them, it shows hey I was thinking of you and wanted to share or just say hi.  Someday I’ll get a super smartphone and be able to partake better in photos from my phone.  Until then, keep those texts and photos coming.
  5. I am thankful for paperback books.  Good old fashion books I can hold in my hand, turn the badges, smell that book smell.  I love books.  Walking into a used book store is just heaven to me.  I could spend hours in there and buy so many books that I’d get in major trouble.  I don’t think my love of good old fashion books will ever falter.  There is something special about them and more should keep that love of them.  I do like my kindle and enjoy reading on there as well, but don’t you dare take away my regular books!

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