It just isn’t Christmas without them

This week’s challenge with Life with a Side of Coffee & Southern Beauty Guide is all about Christmas movies and I have a couple to share!
I love cheesy Hallmark, Lifetime, and ABC Family Christmas movies that come around this time of year and will watch several throughout the end of November & all of December.
My two favorite Christmas movies of all time though are these two:
It’s a Wonderful Life – nothing gives me more happy butterflies then this movie. My favorite line from the movie is “Everytime a bell rings, an angel gets His wings”
Sadly I haven’t watched this yet this year, could be one of the reasons it just doesn’t feel like Christmas as much. I need to watch this and soon!!
A Christmas Story – everyone loves this movie. Its filled with lots of laughs and just weirdness, but heck it seems to fit most families. You’ll shoot your eye out!! Ho-Ho-Ho Boot into face to shove down slide.
Those are my two must movies of the Holiday season. Great joy and laughter and warm butterflies combine when I watch both of these.
Now its not exactly a movie, but its one of my Christmas favorites and felt fit in with my favorite movies. Its a Folgers commercial and I MUST watch it each Holiday season somehow, someway. The new version of this commercial is okay, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the one from the 80’s. It actually reminds me of me waiting in bed for my brother Stacy to get home for Christmas.
My all time favorite Christmas commercial: