Week 3 #CatchTheMoment365 for 2014

I am still so excited by this challenge and that I have made it the full three weeks.  I have plans for the whole nine yards, but you never know what might happen.  There were some times when I almost forgot to take a picture on a day so had to look around really quickly before bed to see what I could take a picture of, but I got it!!  That is what counts.  
If you want to join along – just see the banner on my right side panel.
This week’s photos:
prepping of vegetables
15/365 – I decided I was going to be a good wife and prep for the vegetables for our blackened salmon salad for dinner.  

grumpy face of puppy
16/365 – Miss Grumpy Face at her finest.  I think she had dug out in her bed and then flopped down, and I looked over and her face was all fluffed over and I had to point it out to Jason.  Was the perfect picture.

applebee's drink
17/365 – Oh my, it was a long day to get to this drink.  My husband fell at work off a ladder and ended up landing on the leg with his back.  He normally plays soccer Friday nights and finally figured out he couldn’t really play this week.  Thankfully he just seemed to hit some muscles and bruised them, he put some icy hot on his back during lunch and then headed back to work.  Sadly though he couldn’t play soccer that night nor Wednesday.  He is finally healing at least.  It killed him not to be able to play though, but we went to support the team & went out to dinner after.  Hence my drink!

learning cribbage
18/365 – Since we were held up in the house for the weekend to let Jason’s back heal and me trying to fight this cold I have been fighting the week to two.  Jason finally sat down and taught me cribbage.  I kind of get it, but not fully yet and am a little slow counting.  It’s fun though!

puppy making Daddy feel better
19/365 – Roxy actually cuddling with Daddy Sunday morning as he was laying on the heating pad.  She  hardly ever cuddles with him, just me.  He gets all hurt cause she won’t cuddle with him much.  So this was lovely, plus I love how the sun & shadows were hitting them.

amazing books
20/365 – This is one of the nights I almost forgot to take a pic.  I couldn’t just showcase one bookshelf though, so I had to take a picture of two of my shelves.  Mind you, this is only two of them – this lines the whole wall.

still to read books

nose to the ball - dogs
21/365 – Roxy actually played with Mommy.  She hardly ever plays with me during the day, but we played with the blue ball, and she was super giddy.  

mid jump dog

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