Week 10 #CatchTheMoment365 for 2014
Most of this past week was just Roxy photo love. I know some of you won’t mind that at least. I just didn’t get out much. Pictures proof of that. Thankfully weather is starting to improve so that means a lot more walks and much more interesting pictures coming up!
Mindi of Simply Stavish, Sarah of Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming are our wonderful hosts and are guiding us through this journey through this Facebook Group. If you are interested in joining along just check out one or all their pages and join the facebook group, Or you can click the button on my right side panel. Feel free to join up at anytime in the year and see what you can do!
64/365 – I decided after Jason’s soccer game on Wednesday that I was craving ice cream. I very rarely want sweets so for me to want it, its weird. Since it was late in the evening the only thing really open was McDonalds, so I settled for a Mcflurry. It at least settled my craving for ice cream.
65/365 – I decided it was time to majorly clean the house and get it Spring Cleaned. Going above and beyond the basic Spring Cleaning though because our house is in major need of some love. This is the first box full of goodwill items that I just got from half of our bedroom.
66/365 – I had decided it was time to take my camera back for a soccer night. This is part of Jason’s Friday night team. I loved that everyone is in motion on this one. Mind you there is this plexi type glass between me and them. Decent shot for dealing with that glass & only having my short regular lens. 67/365 – Roxy being a happy girl on her back playing with her blue ball this time. When she goes on her back like this, we call it the happy dance.
68/365 – Sunday was the day I worked on the other half of our bedroom in Spring Cleaning aspect. I decided all my smelly good sprays needed to be all together instead of in two different baskets, so I put them in a rolling cart drawer and only have small bit that wouldn’t fit in here – so are in the drawer above this one in a tiny pink basket. *points in back – see I told you I was addicted to Bath & Body Works body mists*
69/365 – Somehow Roxy’s blanket ended up on the floor in front of her bed platform. She decided it was a good place to plant herself. She loves blankets and pillows.
70/365 – Normal playtime in the evening. This time I caught her with the ball in her mouth and you can catch a bit of teeth there.