Week 12 #CatchtheMoment365 for 2014

I am so much later posting this past week’s photos then I have been lately.  I don’t know why but my blog has fallen to the wayside this week with who knows what. 

This week does have a little more variety in it, so that should be a pleasant change!! 

Mindi of Simply Stavish, Sarah of Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming are our wonderful hosts and are guiding us through this journey through this Facebook Group.  If you are interested in joining along just check out one or all their pages and join the facebook group, Or you can click the button on my right side panel. Feel free to join up at anytime in the year and see what you can do! 

Day 78 - Approaching Storm
78/365 – We have way to many wires around our house.  I loved how dark and stormy the sky was though.  Think I got a pretty decent shot even if the wire and poles got in my way.

Day 79 - Prepping Coffee
79/365 – One of those evenings when I realize – oh NO, its almost bed time and I haven’t gotten a picture.  Here we have me prepping coffee for in the morning.

Day 80 - Cameo Dinner Out
80/365 – Dinner after soccer at our favorite place, Cameo Café of Washington.  I was so hungry that I ended up eating all my food and then kicking myself and telling Jason dangit, I was going to take a picture of my food and drink and I ate it all.  So he was still hungry so ordered this and there we have the picture.

Day 81 - Pretty Flower
81/365 – Pretty Pretty flower in our mess of a backyard.

Day 82 - Pretty Spring Tree
82/365 – Pretty cherry tree in the lawn across from us!

Day 83 - My nightly water routine
83/365 – One of my nightly routines.  Filling the water jug we get water out of and filling ice cube trays.  What I wouldn’t give for a fridge that had filtered ice and water in it!

Day 84 - My Bikini Top
84/365 – I realized late at night that I didn’t take a picture with my regular camera and was already getting ready for bed.  Then I recalled I had taken this one with my camera phone earlier.  I had bought two bikini tops from Victoria Secret and was amazed at how well they fit.  I only wear the tops, usually under tank tops & summer dresses – rarely, VERY rarely, will it ever be like this.

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