Week 9 #CatchTheMoment365 for 2014

Another week of the amazing challenge has came to a close.  Do you find it hard to believe that I am still enjoying this to the fullest?  I so can do this whole year with ease.  I got this!

We have one more photo this week from our vacation and then you are back to my normal average boring days.  Still filled with Roxy cuteness though, which makes the whole week shine!

Mindi of Simply Stavish, Sarah of Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming are our wonderful hosts and are guiding us through this journey through this Facebook Group.  If you are interested in joining along just check out one or all their pages and join the facebook group, Or you can click the button on my right side panel. Feel free to join up at anytime in the year and see what you can do! 

Day 57 - Roxy watching the Sea Lions in Newport
57/365 – Our last day of vacation, actually on our way home, we stopped in Newport (Oregon).  We had to go see the famous little Sea Lions that are off the boardwalk area there.  Roxy was standing there watching them all on this big rock in the middle of the bay.  She kept looking what are those things making that weird noise?

Day 58 - Roxy's first full day home  - so tired
58/365 – This was the night Jason asked me if I had taken a photo yet and I had told him no.  So this is what he took the photo of.  Roxy was super cuddled with me.  She was so tired from her travels and just wanted to cuddle and sleep. 

Day 59 - Wallet I won
59/365 – This is the wallet I won the other week from Susan Nichole.  I am not a huge fan of the big buckle, but I of course LOVE the purple.

Day 60 - Two Week Meal plan plus the grocery list
60/365 – I finally sat down and wrote down our two week dinners and got our grocery list together.  We had been needing to go grocery shopping for quite sometime, but with our vacation and all it was kind of silly to go.  I love having two weeks of meals all planned out, makes our life easier.

Day 61 - Washing Fruits & Vegetables Again
61/365 – Yes, I did a similar shot before for a previous week, but I love the colors that pop out when I do these.  After grocery shopping, I washed and cut up the fruits and vegetables and this is the one wash of several loads I had to do.  What can you spot in this one?

Day 62 - Roxy with both Hippo & Ball
62/365 – Roxy looking all cute with a simple pause during playtime.  She was bouncing with the ball and making the ball go into Hippo for more fun and being able to play with them both at the same time.

Day 63 - Beef Taco Salad for dinner
63/365 – One of our yummy dinners, that I had on the menu.  This is our Beef Taco Salad. 

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